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The Glittering Caves

The Glittering Caves, the mythological home of Locien the Great, the first Dragon. It is said all Drakie-kin can trace their ancestry back to those caves. More astonishing is that they are rumored to be filled with gemstones, gold and silver veins and in certain locations where there is dirt and flowing water, the rarest flower in the world, the Dínen Riel, grows.   Some want to find the Caves for the wealth, others for the flower and the rest because of the historical and cultural significance for both the Eledhrim and the Drakie-kin. Those who believe it exist search but most believe that it is just a story that the Drakie pass down from generation to generation. A beautiful story about how their kind survived in a place where they were surrounded by glittering gems, a love of all their kind, safe from the Eledhrim, especially the Lhûg Eledhrim who they often fought in the early years of our world.

Historical Basis

The region around where the Glittering Caves were said to be is greatly inhabited by Dragons and Wyverns of various breeds, with plenty of smaller caves and cave systems. There is a high chance that they are an extensive cave system like this as shared in the stories by the Dragons and Wyverns. Unfortunately, it has been impossible for us Eledhirm to find, not that we wanted to for the longest time.   Gilglyss Hacende stated upon her return to her tribe, the Lhûg Eledhrim, that the Glittering Caves were a true place. Unfortunately, by the time she was able to convince her tribe that the Drakie-kin could be reasoned with and truly understood what the Eledrhim say, she and her Dragon were unable to bring any others from her tribe to the Caves. The Caves were nowhere to be found, or so they claimed. Many caves that have glittering walls were found but the young Eledrhim and her Dragon said none were large enough.


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