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The noble horse. Strong, reliable and quick. People across the world use horses in their daily lives, from farm work to pulling wagons of supplies and just pleasure riding through the country. They are a truly wonderful animal for all the work they are needed for as well as companions.   As they are found throughout the world, their appearance varies. The Eledhrim have the largest of all breeds, the Lobor, which is also the fastest and strongest. Long trained by the Lhûg Eledhrim, who dwelt in the plains and wilds of Gîlmunrîel for several ages, they were greatly adapted for life in such a harsh land. Their strength gave them the ability to carry loads, often consisting on the Eledrhim's belongings, weapons and their own person. The Lobor were also used in hunts for food as well as battles with the Drakie-kin when it became necessary. They also could survive the harsh winters that Gîlmunrîel is infamous for.   In Coruscare, the Equos is the horse to have. A bit stock, well equipped for the high heat, it is only used by military forces and tradesmen.   Besides work, horses are used throughout the world as racers. It is great fun to witness a chariot race or see skilled archers display their bowmanship from the back of their steed.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Male-female sexual reproduction. Gestation in females 11-12 months

Growth Rate & Stages

Domestic breeds begin receiving training between two and four. They are adults by five.

Ecology and Habitats

Depending on the breed, just about anywhere in the world. The Coruscaren's have a breed that actually handles the desert interior of their country well. The Eledhrim have swift moving breeds perfect for the vast plains of Gîlmunrîel.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Grains, grasses and hays

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Used for troop transport, pulling supplies, single person travel and hunting assistance
The NightMare: A Fiends Steed   NightMares are a monstrous horse from the debts of hell. Vicious looking black creatures with red eyes, sharp hooves and razor-like teeth, this horse is carnivorous. Maiseach keeps them as their steeds and familiars. Only with their master is a NightMare controllable. Wicked strong and lightning fast, crossing ones path is almost certain death. Maiseach are known to say that if you don't want to be bitten, leave them alone.
Scientific Name
Equus Caballus
25-100 yrs.
Average Height
4.7-6 ft.
Average Weight
840-2200 lbs.
Average Length
8 ft.


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