Gemstone Rabbits Species in Indarie | World Anvil
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Gemstone Rabbits

"Good Gods! They're everywhere!" Bercalion shouts, chasing several Gemstone rabbits out of his destroyed study. "How are we supposed to get any work done without tripping over the damn things?!"   "I think they're pretty." Orithil scoops a ruby one up into her arms and cuddles it to her chest. "We should keep them."   "Not this many inside. We need them back out into the fields." Beithir says. I just look at them from my spot on the floor in our common room, several of the bunnies hopping about me while I try to meditate. One jumps into my lap, and I sigh, rubbing it behind the ears. The hard, warm skin is smooth under my hand. I smile, giving up on meditation. Can just sitting on the ground petting a bunny count as meditation? I say yes.   I continue to pet the rabbit while the others attempt to relocate most of its family outside. I know I can't keep the little thing, but I'll enjoy its company for now. Eventually I stand with it in my hands and take it outside, letting it go to its family and get back to its life.   Life. There's still life in this city. The Gemstone rabbits shine in the fading light, casting rainbows all around them. Beautiful, it's still beautiful.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

The species is consistent of male and female reproduction. The gestation period is two months.

Growth Rate & Stages

As newborns they are very vulnerable to everything. By two weeks they're running about the nest. At two months they're weened and at three months they're off on their own.

Ecology and Habitats

In the grassy planes of Gîlmunrîel, just outside and around Carachdanna. It is a beautiful sight, watching the rabbits hop about through the tall grass, flickers of color and light. They mostly eat weeds and small flowers.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Lots of grassy foods.

Biological Cycle

Babies born in spring, on their own by mid-summer and well able to take care of themselves before the chill of autumn refuses to leave the day. They do hibernate in the winter months.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Usually live in family groups of 15 or so in the wild. In captivity, they like being with one or two others and will hop about and cuddle. Their owners will also become part of the family structure and often find their rabbit sitting next to them or taking naps nearby.


The pet ones tend to be bred in captivity though occasionally they will be taken in from the wild. It takes a couple weeks to earn their trust but once you have it, they're wonderful pets.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

When they die, their bodies can be turned into gemstones that Casters can use in their staffs and other tools.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Mostly in the plateau region of Gîlmunrîel, near the capital city.

Average Intelligence

Pet Gemstone rabbits are quite smart. They'll learn when mealtime is, figure out simple puzzle toys, learn when the best time to get attention is and 'housekeep' when they think their area is messy.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Good hearing, sight and sense of smell. Depending on the color will depend on the type of magic that is inherant to the rabbit. Ruby is fire, sapphire is ice, pearl is water, etc...
20-30 years, in captivity
Average Weight
7 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Geographic Distribution


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