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Fiend Quill

Fiend Quills are a basic writing implement of the Maiseach and Fiends. While not exactly different in design of regular quills, they are the only ones that can be used to write in Fiendspeach and Fiendish spells. Most Maiseach have one, usually rather beat up, that they use regularly. They're also extremely sharp, which allows Maiseach to carve whatever runes they need into their victims skin so that their spells can be done properly and with ease. They also will carve runes into their own skin with their quills. Quite horrific.   They are also almost impossible to actually destroy, thanks to being made from a Fiend. That's very useful for a Maiseach, since they travel so much, that their primary writing tool isn't going to break or be damaged by the elements. There are rumors that being eaten by a Drakie-kin will destroy one but no one's willingly volunteering. Any damage that the quills take is usually a side effect of the spells that the Maiseach cast.   Getting a Fiend Quill is extremely difficult. The Maiseach will often have to fight or kill the Fiend they get the quills from. There is a simple cleaning and preparation for the Quill, including a dip it the Maiseach's blood, then it's ready for use.
Why Is This Here?!   When not in the hands of a Maiseach or Fiend, these quills are hated and feared by most. Few are willing to touch them, even while wearing gloves. Casters are the ones who usually investigate them, along with some scientists, destroying them the usual goal. They can be used as a normal quill but no normal person would want to. They just give off a malicious aura.
Item type
Very. Maiseach and Fiends are the only ones who carry one regularly, as well as the required "ink" (aka blood).
Raw materials & Components
They are made from Vile Fowl or Fiendish Peacock feathers. They are pretty, in a hellish way.


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