Scyran Ethnicity in Incarah | World Anvil
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A Skellien born/raised in the country of Scylkyr.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Feminine names tend to end in vowels.   Ex: Irkara, Fyrika, Lyra.

Masculine names

Masculine names tend to end in consonants.   Ex: Fokan, Tyrok, Kurdath (old-fashioned name, 'th' no longer commonly used).

Unisex names

Although there are names considered more traditionally masculine or feminine, these are vague roles that can be assigned to/chosen by anyone in Scyran society, and so all names are technically unisex.

Family names

Family names are nonexistant in the sense that we are used to; instead one inherits the name of their clan. There are currently 12 clans in the country of Scylkyr: Arkanaskyr, Liltskyr, Folskyr, Induskyr, Koldanskyr, Lulkskyr, Karaskyr, Olaskyr, Aldskyr, Mikalskyr, Ikoskyr, and Durskyr.


Major language groups and dialects

All Scyrans speak the language of Sinskel, which also functions as a common trade language for the entirety of Felden. However, each of the 12 clans has its own dialect that the members learn on top of the common one, and these dialects are not necessarily communicable. Only those near the border, like the Arkanaskyr and Folskyr, use dialects understandable by the majority of Sinskel speakers.

Shared customary codes and values

Most Scyrans value honesty, selflessness and the support of one's clan, including whatever section of the economy their clan has been tasked with supporting. In addition, the majority of Scyrans are part of the religion called Tyratol, and so its values have infused those of the Scyrans themselves.   The majority of Scyrans are open and friendly with strangers, more trusting due to both their culture, and their status as a peaceful and unproblematic nation on the world stage.

Common Etiquette rules

Like most cultures, the etiquette and expectations of members can prove overwhelmingly comple. However, there are a few common rules one must be aware of.   Firstly, it is considered impolite to invite someone to your house without giving them a gift, or to visit without reciprocating it. Gift-giving is common and a means of respect in Scylkyr, though most gifts are small and inexpensive, like a box of food, or an animal pelt.   In addition, hunting and fishing are viewed as a sacred right that only designated people have, given the value they place on any sort of life. These are people the leaders deem to be good judges of what is necessary for survival, though usually one out of every 10 members is given this endorsement.


Beauty Ideals

Beauty standards in Scylkyr are a little out of the norm. For both women and men, muscle is a sign of physical prowess and therefore power, and so strength-based athleticism is highly valued. Paleness is considered more beautiful, unfortunate for anyone of a different ethnicity who happens to visit, and people with small mouths are said to have "small thoughts" so larger mouths are preferable.   However, more important than any physical beauty is the Scyran ideal of Mullfell, or "soul beauty." This refers to someone who is beautiful on the inside, who does selfless acts and walks the moral path of the Light (at least for those that worship SaerTyr). This is far more important than the physical standards in this society, as morality and upholding clan codes of honor is seen as the ultimate mark of a worthy lover.

Gender Ideals

Gender is Scyran society is not as defined and essentialist as it typically is not Earth. There are left over ideas of "femininity" and "masculinity", but all people are widely believed to be different mixes of these two forces and can take on either aspect to whatever degree they prefer.   Children do not receive their official given names until the age of 10, and so the gender of their name usually reflects whichever happens to be most dominant, irrelevant of their biological sex.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship in Scyran culture is a very specific, drawn-out process with many rituals undertaken. Some are similar to what we would consider dating, like participating in different activities together to match compatibility, but others are clan-specific and require approval from clan leaders.   Whoever wishes to begin courtship must first notify the individual they wish to court, and then the two of them go to the clan leader to indicate this intention. A short ceremony is performed, with the herbalist brewing a specialized tea for each person to drink. They then each have one hand tied to the other person's for the rest of the day, so they are forced to perform all activities together (not including unclean activities, like going to the bathroom).   After this day, the courter takes the one they're courting out on kularn, or dates, with a number of specified activities. This period lasts about a month, though it can take more if the participants are unsure of each other. On their last date they decide whether or not their relationship will include sexual activities, and what status they wish it to be.   Then follows a number of different rituals/dates depending on what kind of relationship they decide on, whether it be "", or casual, "", the Scyran equivalent of marriage, or the other 15 or so different types that lie somewhere in between.   Relationships made outside of this process are considered unclean and unsafe, which can make things difficult sometimes. However, sex and a relationship are not really viewed as the same thing, so such a procedure would not be necessary every time someone wanted to have sex.

Relationship Ideals

Respect and mutual decision-making is central to the relationship culture in Scyllkyr, with couples in the more serious types of relationships making almost every decision together.   If there is any assault or harassment involved, the penalty can be as severe as death, and most such criminals are dealt with quickly and harshly, and so it rarely is a problem.
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