Enorme Cazador Arana Cult Necklace Item in Inanta | World Anvil

Enorme Cazador Arana Cult Necklace


  This necklace shows the cult symbol in the middle, wrapped in a square metal until it reaches the chain. The is an overall malevolent feel that radiates out from the necklace. Those of good alignment are especially aware of the malevolent feel.   The symbol in the middle is the same symbol on the Enorme Cazador Arana Cult Journal.


These necklaces denote membership in the cult.
Spider Queen Cult Necklace

Item type
Jewelry / Valuable
Current Location
Owning Organization
Only cult members have the basic black versions.  There is a version with a red gem in the middle for the cult leader.
Pendant: 3in x 2in - Chain: 22 in.
Raw materials & Components
Made with a unknown black metal


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