Vril War Canoe Vehicle in In the Shadow of Princes | World Anvil

Vril War Canoe

Agile watercraft used for waging battle in the Zone

The Vril do not have an abundance of raw materials in their homelands of Vrelland, so they rely greatly upon their border colonies for essential resources. The jungle marshes north of the Isles of Ranvier would seem to be a poor region for settlement for most Zoners, but to the Vril they are a rich hinterland of timber, soil, and water.
In order to patrol and defend the border colonies of Ranvier, the Vril have developed swift, 30 foot-long war canoes. True to Vril practice, the design of these vessels seems to follow the pattern of similar canoes made by the Larada and Mikhigani nations on the marches of the Merikan Union. The Vril may not be original thinkers or inventors but they are always ready to borrow the creativity of other peoples. These canoes carry over twenty fully outfitted Vril warriors and can easily traverse 25 miles per day under favourable conditions.
Vril warriors outfit their canoes with high rising prows made of hardened timber (usually ash or oak). They decorated these with elaborate tribal markings depicting various clan totems, such as roaches and scorpions. The designs are wrought with great skill and rendered with paint and/or sculpture. The most impressive designs include intricate scrollwork or the finished inlay of precious metals or jewels.
The prow of the Vril war canoe is more than a decorative ornament, however. During battle it is used as a ram for breaking the hulls of enemy vessels and setting up boarding actions in the midst of pursuit engagements. Sculpted wooden horns or claws, common on Vril canoes, can become entangled on enemy vessels after collision and prevent escape after the initial clash of hulls.
5 feet
30 feet
3 feet
1 ton
Complement / Crew
16 rowers.
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
There is room for 8 passengers or one ton of cargo.


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