Bird Worship in In the Shadow of Princes | World Anvil

Bird Worship

Veneration for the winged messengers of the gods

The nature of Zoner religion is expressed in many ways in various faith traditions. Among the Two Sun Tribe and the people of Azoturia there is a significant cult of zoolatry devoted to the worship of birds. This practice is derived from the association of eagles with the mythical Thunderbird culture hero. From this associative link the solar cults of the Forbidden Zone have derived a system of further correspondences linking other pantheon figures, both of light and of darkness, with archetypal bird forms.

The practice of zoolatry among the Zoners has created a system of worship and taboo. The people leave offerings for certain birds seen as sacred messengers and heralds of good omen. Chief among these birds perceived to be lucky and fortunate are the divine eagle and quail. Other birds associated with negative principles are considered portents of ill tidings and are greatly to be feared. Whether associated with light or darkness, all birds are considered sacred among the denizens of the Green River Valley and it is forbidden to harm any avian creature lest such an action offend the gods.


Divine Birds of the Forbidden Zone

    • Red Humming-Bird (fire lord)
    • Green Humming-Bird (earth lord)
    • Eagle (thunder lord)
    • Quail (sun lord)
    • Screech Owl (lord of the land of the dead)
    • Raven (rain lord)
    • Black Hawk (night lord)
    • Turkey (flesh lord)
    • Owl (lord of smoke and air)
    • Quetzal (dawn lord)
  1. Parrot (lord of duality)


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