Kingdom of Arastoria Organization in Imminar | World Anvil
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Kingdom of Arastoria


Rastians are ruled by an Exalted Knight-King , he is the supreme ruler of every aspect . Every Knight-King must choose a squire who he deems worthy to succeed him after his death.

Public Agenda

Arastorians absolutely hate all of the Savage Kin , and in they think they should be the ones to exterminate all of them.


The land of Arastoria is lush , there is no shortage of crops or lumber to trade , and when that is not enough the mountainous region is rich with gold veins.

Demography and Population

The north-western regions of Imminar are under total Arastorian control.
Military, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
Gold Plates
Arastorians , Rastians

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