Languages in Imarand: The Twin Worlds | World Anvil
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Many languages are spoken within the realms of Terria and Ianna, but the commonly spoken language is called Common, also known as the Trade Tongue. The language is a mix of the common languages of Ianna and Terria, Iannian and Terra, with some loaned words form the Dwarven, Elven languages.   Both the human languages of Iannian and Terra can be followed by those who speak Common Trade-Tongue but must make an Intelligence check (DC 12) to understand the speaker. The same goes for those who speak only Iannian or Terra, in case they wish to understand common trade tongue.  

Regional Languages

As many races populate Terria and Ianna these are the language spoken by specific races or regions within the worlds.   Beastial: A common tongue shared among the Sha, existing out of various animal noise, grunt, and growls.
Durnmar: A mix of Dwarven and Elven language spoken by the people of the Durnmorn kingdom part of the Aldriel continent.
Iannian: An ancient language from where the new languages originated from on Ianna.
Madian: A very stylish and melodic spoken and written language spoken by the shape-changing Madilar.
Pygmy: Spoken by the native people on the isle of Lost Arcus, an intriguing language consisting of rasps, buzzes, and clicks.
Silvain: Spoken by the Silvain's of the Tree, the language is closely related to the language of the fey, Sylvan.
Terra: Derives from the Celestial language, used in ancient times on Terria.
Whitespeech: A language soaked in innuendo, double meanings spoken on the isles around Whitemere.  

Classic Languages

As well as the “classic” languages, these languages are spoken all over the world. Draconic: This ancient tongue, the language of dragons, and one among the oldest in worlds.   Dwarven: Dwarven is a guttural, phlegmatic language consisting of hard consonants and clipped syllables.
Elven: The Elven language is complex but beautiful, sounding poetic in its cadence and tone.
Halfling: The Halfling language is a mix of elven and the common trade tongue, making the language almost lyrical.  

Savage Languages

Some call the savage languages a shame for the more civilized languages and noise created by lesser animals. These languages are often only in spoken form, except Giant and Orc.   Giant: Giant exists as a simplistic mix of original Aklo and Dwarven.
Goblin: The nigh-incomprehensible yapping of goblins, the militaristic barking of hobgoblins, and the sibilant taunts of bugbears all use the same vocabulary.
Gnoll: Punctuated by high-pitched yips, deep barks, and throaty growls, this cacophonous language is difficult for non-gnolls to pick up—much less master. This language is closely related to the Beastial language of the Sha.
Gnomish: Gnomish shares some similarities with both Aklo and Sylvan.
Orcish: Known for the brusque delivery of its disjointed, hard-consonant syllables, Orc sounds harsh and angry. Many will say that if you wish to insult, someone, it best said in Orcish.  

Other Languages

These are somewhat uncommon languages with the worlds.     Aklo: A strange language spoken by otherworldly and ancient creatures. Some scholars say that Aklo is the mother of all spoken and written languages.
Druidic: A hidden language of the Druids, who speak this complex tongue, and guard its secrets jealously.
Undercommon: Undercommon is used by those travel much in the netherworld and secret and often illegal marketplaces, it is a dialect and mix of the common language and elven. Undercommon is also often referred to as the Black Trade Tongue.   The following elemental and otherworldly languages are practiced by many mages, historians and scholars. These languages don't originate from Imarand but were brought here from beyond the stars.   Aquan (Water): Aquan is a guttural tongue with thick, throaty sounds and long syllables.
Auran (Air): Auran is a breathy, gentle-sounding language.
Ignan (Fire): Ignan consists mostly of short words, their staccato feel on the tongue emulates the popping of fire.
Terran (Earth): Terran is a slow and deliberate language, the sounds of which cannot be rushed.
Sylvan (Life): Spoken by the fey, sylvan said it is one of the oldest languages. Some go as far as to say that Sylvan is the tongue of Life and the 5th Element.   Abyssal, Celestial and Infernal are called the Three Languages of Divinity.   Abyssal (Demons): As harsh command language, full of fire when spoken rushed and loud, but sounds calming and subtle when spoken if with a soft voice.
Celestial (Angels): Celestial is used by all of the good-aligned planes beyond the stars.
Infernal (Devils): Infernal requires precise enunciation, for many of its words with unrelated meanings nonetheless bear extremely similar pronunciations.

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Cover image: World Anvil Banner - Imarand: The Twin Worlds by Martijn Donker


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