Ionia Character in Imarand: The Twin Worlds | World Anvil
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Queen of the Fey, Maiden of Art, Lady of Love

Ionia is known as the goddess of fey, elves and gnomes, as well the goddess of art and love.  Many artist and musicians worship her as a muse and source of inspiration. Although this sometimes puts her at odds with Leticia, the goddess of celebration, the two often work together on works of art.
She is depicted as a woman with an otherworldly beauty and obvious fey features. She is often covered in, or accompanied by, butterflies.

Ionia's teachings are as follows:
  • Seek beauty and love in all its forms.
  • Reveal one's true face to the world, fair or foul.
  • Ward against those who seek only to destroy in their inability to create.
Worshipers: Fey, Elves, Gnomes, Bards 
Favored Weapon: Longsword

Divine Domains

Charm, Community, Good, Healing, Sun
Divine Classification
Neutral Good

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Cover image: World Anvil Banner - Imarand: The Twin Worlds by Martijn Donker
Character Portrait image: Iona's Holy Symbol by Martijn Donker


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