World Genesis Game - Rules in Imaginaerium | World Anvil

World Genesis Game - Rules

Genesis is a cooperative storytelling exercise where the participants craft a setting together.
  Each part of the game uses an initiative tracker to see who goes when. We recommend using a D20 to roll for it because, hey, that's fun!   1d20  

Phase 1

The concept phase.   In turn of initiative, each player can make one decision about the setting as a whole. We're going by improv rules ("Yes, and"), so you can't negate something someone else has said previously, but you can expand on it and your take can be a negative. If someone says "There'll be aliens", you could go "But there is no communication with aliens", for example.  
Optional Rule: End of Phase   Normally, Phase 1 ends when it is generally agreed upon. As an alternative, it can be ended when 50% of the players vote to.

Phase 2

Articles & WA.   The player whose turn it is picks a WA template type (except prose or generic) and like in phase 1 creates a one-two sentence summary of its content. The next player picks another template, but it must in some way reference back to one of the last three templates picked.   I.e if the previous article was a Landmark about a crashed space station, the next person could pick something like an Organization ( the scavengers who live in the ruins ), Condition ( getting poisoned by the station's leaking fuel reactor ) or Region ( the area where is crashed) and so on.   Once an article type has been chosen, it cannot be picked again for this round. Next round, the process start anew and the new pick of article does not need to refer to the last.  
Passing   If at any Phase a player feel they would rather wait, they can chose to pass. This puts them at the end of the initiative track for that round.

Game Summary

  Roll initiative, note player places.  

Phase 1

  In order of initiative 1. Player decides on one thing about the setting. 2. When all players have done a round of Phase 1, they can decide if they want to repeat or continue.    

Phase 2

  In order of initiative. 1. Player picks a template type that hasn't been picked before. 2. Determine how it relates to one of the previous three templates (unless it is the first) 3. Create a 1-2 sentence summary of its content


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Aug 18, 2022 19:28

Awesome how will these votes and picks be cast and where? Discord, discussion boards?

Graylion - Nexus   Roleplaying
not Ruleplaying
not Rollplaying