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Year 757 AD

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Illyria is a world broken into pieces by a cataclysmic catastrophe almost 1,000 years ago. Over the years, the dust has settled as the regrowing populations of humans and other races have conquered the wild landscapes and aberrations of nature.

As of now, what was once one big continent has been split into three parts: Andrathis in the North, the twin continents of Ossias and Espagor in the South and Akzidia in the East. Further to the poles lie icy wastelands, unbreached and unexplored - though not for a lack of trying.

Andrathis is both Empire and continent, a conglomerate of kingdoms and city states formerly known simply as the Northern Kingdoms. Though all of its territories are ruled by one woman, Empress Ahelis, customs and culture vary greatly between its states. Most of them are ruled by humans, but the Elves of Tel'Vandaar and the Dwarves of Kal'Tirok are also part of its realm.

Ossias and Espagor, the twin continents, feature their own unique customs. While the people of Ossias are also predominantly human, Espagor is a land of more... exotic races. It is almost evenly divided between the Varazali, a nation of Genasi, and the Voices of the Wilds, the four tribes of Tabaxi.

Akzidia has the most even mix of races between all of the continents. Few of its countries and nations are homogenous. Especially the Exarchat of Kaz'Drakuun accepts almost any race in existance, as long as they are willing to fight.

The world is in a state of relative peace, but old feuds create new conflicts. Religion and Arcane, traditions and progress begin to clash as the people forget about the immense terror that had come with war merely forty years ago.

Illyria is the world for a DnD5e Campaign and mainly a conglomerate of many many video games, movies and TV shows.