Liam Forthwell Character in Illmuria - The players side of the story | World Anvil

Liam Forthwell

Mr. Liam Lucas Forthwell (a.k.a. The Fox)

Liam Forthwell, a gentleman, a rogue, a thief; a fox in the hen house.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Elderly gentleman, usually supports himself with a cane.

Body Features

Crippled hands, often covered with gloves.

Facial Features


Identifying Characteristics

Scar running from the corner of his left eye down to his neck.

Physical quirks

Supporting himself with a cane.

Apparel & Accessories

Wearing what was once nice clothes. Now patched up more than once.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in the small village of Remasa to a local doll, father presumed to be a whaler.   Liam followed his mother to Nordby in the off season(s). And was a child of two places. Nordby during the trade peaks and Remasa during the whaling season.   When his mother died a little after his tenth birthday he was left to his own devices. Stealing, begging and worse to keep himself warm and fed. He left Remasa after the whaling season had ended and swore never to come back.  

Life in Nordby

When he got to Nordby he joined one of the street gangs and worked his way up. He had an affinity for getting into places where no others dared or managed to get to. The list of near impossible breakins increased every year. Liam was now living in infamy, highly respected by his peers in the Bay of Whales area. People on the streets soon refereed tto him as the fox, since he made breakins look as easy as when a fox steals eggs from a hen house.  

The henhouse

Liam was caught breaking in to one of the noble houses, on, unbeknownst to him, his 23rd birthday. Many tales are told about this day. Some say someone licked, some say he was getting cocky, some say he was just unlucky. Whatever the truth really was; the result stays the same. He was publicly punished; a Slap on the wrists and then sent to 25 years in the henhouse.


The Streets of Nordby.


Worked on the streets of Nordby. Joined a gang known as the Marketeers in his early teens.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Often regarded as once one of the best thieves in Nordby.

Failures & Embarrassments

Getting caught red handed at the Willows estate at the age of 22.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Patient and calculating.
Current Location
Year of Birth
Current Residence
Long grayish hair, usually styled in a ponytail.
60 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
"To aid the battle of freedom, you will have do liberate a few coin purses".
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, gutter-speech

Articles under Liam Forthwell


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