Dizay Character in Illios | World Anvil


(a.k.a. The Mother Goddess)

Dizay is the goddess of the arts, beauty, and marriage, she is revered by those who seek to create and appreciate beauty, as well as those who wish to form strong and lasting relationships. Dizay is often depicted as a graceful and compassionate figure, with a gentle demeanor and a warm smile. She is said to bless artists, musicians, and poets with inspiration, and to guide lovers on the path to a harmonious union. Many believe that her presence in a marriage ceremony ensures a long and happy life together.   In addition to her role in the arts and in relationships, Dizay is also seen as a maternal figure, offering comfort and protection to those in need. It is not uncommon for people to pray to her in times of illness or difficulty, seeking her divine guidance and aid.   Temples dedicated to Dizay are often places of beauty and serenity, filled with works of art and surrounded by lush gardens. Her priests and priestesses are known for their musical and artistic abilities, and for their wisdom in matters of the heart.

Divine Domains

Life, Knowledge, Light, Peace.


Harmonious Reach: is Dizay's glaive, and is comprised of two parts, The Blade of Harmony: The blade of the glaive is said to represent the balance and harmony that is at the heart of all relationships, both personal and artistic. It is crafted from a rare metal that gleams with a warm light, and is said to be unbreakable. The Handle of Inspiration: The handle of the glaive is decorated with intricate carvings and gems, and is said to contain a piece of Dizay's own essence. Those who hold the glaive are said to be filled with inspiration, and to find their own creativity enhanced.   Muse's Gift: A golden lyre with a mesmerizing pattern of gemstones across it, it has magic that amplifies the sound of the strings. It is said to resonate with the music of the heavens, filling the hearts of those who hear it with joy and wonder.   mirror of inspiration: A hand-held mirror that is said to show the beholder their inner beauty and potential for greatness. Those who gaze into it are said to be filled with inspiration and ideas.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Dizay's symbol is made up of three partsĀ    The Lyre: The lyre is depicted at the center of the symbol, representing the creative and inspirational power of the arts.   The Glaive: The glaive is depicted crossing behind the lyre, symbolizing protection and strength. The two weapons together represent the balance between creation and defense, beauty and power.   The Rainbow Feather: The rainbow feather is depicted waving above the lyre and glaive, symbolizing the beauty and wonder of the natural world. The rainbow colors are said to represent the many facets of Dizay's portfolio, from love and marriage to the inspiration and creativity of the arts.

Tenets of Faith

Charity for the needy, compassion for the masses, protection for the innocent.   Art and Music are essential for the betterment of the sentient races, and separates the people of Illios from those who would see it harmed.


Festival of Inspiration: A festival held at the start of spring, celebrating the renewal of life and the awakening of inspiration. During this festival, musicians, artists, and poets come together to share their work and to be inspired by one another.   Wedding Season: A time of year dedicated to celebrating the bonds of love and commitment between couples. During this time, many couples choose to exchange vows and to have lavish wedding celebrations, with Dizay's blessing and guidance.   Harvest of Beauty: A festival held at the end of summer, celebrating the beauty and abundance of the natural world. During this festival, people gather to admire the harvest, to dance and sing, and to revel in the beauty of the world around them.   Midwinter's Night: A festival held at the darkest time of year, celebrating the warmth and light of love and friendship. During this festival, people come together to light fires, to sing and dance, and to chase away the darkness with the warmth of their love for one another.
Divine Classification