Seabh Ethnicity in Ilkharion | World Anvil
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Seabh is a culture more than a single group. We are not always so united, but we are still a whole. A family. As it may be in a family, not all of us get along all of the time, but when the time comes, we unite and push through any hardship.  
- Rínoth Cal’Serich

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Frúsei, Pia, Piast, Chianná, Biapama, Faoiasté, Chiathraltua, Mia, Fiastia, Tréfaoiangibh, Saorailá, Sróst, Ínnos, Chiathí, Drursuírt

Masculine names

Ciadúcht, Guag, Cruach, Múst, Trai, Puró, Tua, Ínseat, Brúglí, Ducást, Faoia, Buast, Búró, Chlart, Múgá, Cruag, Fai, Buac, Ort, Rínoth, Úma, Iltá, Rímhí

Family names

Naming Conventions

Clan names are split into two parts. The first part is the prefix that denotes what type of llaig that clan associates itself with. A few examples of these are As', for Asarb Llaulla, Tua', for Pdheot Thiiulu, and Cal' for Chasad Bei.  

Family Names

Brúdor, Clinnád, Carach, Durich, Leanan, Thea, Ceann, Serich, Caili, Réfasti, Bucénn, Brúbham, Grié, Stírt, Buneibh, Grigá, Coilua, Miann  

Clan Prefixes

Cal, Tua, As, É, Fa, Íd, Ó, Ba, Ei, Ant,


Major language groups and dialects

The majority of Seabh speak a variant of the fae tongue known as Biabh. There are many different dialects of Biabh, depending on which variety of Llaig a certain clan has historically associated itself with.  
- Rínoth Cal’Serich

Shared customary codes and values

Seabh society is a matriarchy, with women able to attain roles requiring more mental acuity such as chief or druid, whereas men are often only seen as fit to hunt and labor. The druids and chiefs of a clan can vary from terror-mongers who use the powers of the Llaig to frighten men into submission to kind, gentle leaders who guide their people through strenuous times. Some leaders are so generous as to give men almost as many rights as women, though a male chief or druid is nearly completely unheard of.
In all my years, I have only once seen a male chief. And I've never seen a druid who was a man. The women claim we don't have the same connection the the Llaig as they do, but I suspect otherwise.  
- Rínoth Cal’Serich

Common Dress code

Women often wear woolen garments of soft colors and goatskins on their legs, whereas men wear variations of greens, greys, and browns in order to blend into the forests and plains they hunt in. We also have ceremonial outfits of rawhides.  
- Rínoth Cal’Serich

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

All Seabh are taught the arts of eloquence from a young age, even the males, for when they come into contact with a Llaig and must remove themselves from the situations without falling into a terrible deal or losing their life. Quite clever of them, actually. Perhaps they aren't as savage as we once thought them to be. Maybe. Regardless, they also have festivals to signify the coming of each of the five seasons.  
- Ghu’nadi

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Our children are doused with alcohol moments after they are born, to ensure they have not been and will not be replaced by a Taullarr or worse. They are then placed in a cradle with protective bronze runes on it and guarded by two men and one woman at all times until they come of age to take care of themselves.  
- Rínoth Cal’Serich

Coming of Age Rites

When they come of age, our children are given a choice. Their first option is to stay with their current clan and choose their profession. This is the most commonly chosen option. The second option is for them to leave their clan and go to another clan that they feel is more fitting to their personality. The third and least common option is to forsake the Llaig and wander the wilderness as an outcast. If they do, their skin is inscribed with bronze runes to protect them from the Llaig. It is the final act of kindness they will get from any Seabh and marks them as outsiders. There are punishments for those with a clan for aiding one of these Licráth, but oftentimes the Licráth form their own groups to survive together. I've met a few. They are bitter and scornful towards us. I pity them.  
- Rínoth Cal’Serich


Gender Ideals

The ideal man is strong, quick, durable, and cunning, though the final trait is one supposedly quite uncommon in the men of the Seabh. I disagree, but they don't care what my ideas on this matter are, so I'll simply continue. The ideal woman is wise, clever, intelligent, and has a close connection with the Llaig.  
- Rínoth Cal’Serich

Major organizations

The Cal'Carachs are the most well known and influential clan, associating themselves closely with Fath Tralist, Queen of the Llaig. Their current druid is Saorailá Cal'Carach as of the last time I visited. I wonder how she is. Seemed like a nice enough woman, if a bit cold. Probably wasn't too thrilled about a male scholar. But that is where Fath Tralist, bless her name, and Eiarib differ.  
- Rínoth Cal’Serich
Encompassed species
Languages spoken

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