Necromancy Tradition / Ritual in Ifiron | World Anvil



As long as there has been death, there has been necromancy. The living have always resisted the grave, through the healing of wounds, to resurrection of the dead. For some it is a way to reach out to loved ones, to find comfort and closure, or to seek answers known only to the dead. A great many practices have sprung up surrounding necromancy, most famously are the Witch Covens and Morticians' College  As with every tradition, there is a much darker side to necromancy: the alteration of souls. Be it the absorbing of monstrous souls, the harvesting of youth, and Lichdom. This is more commonly known as Black Necromancy. Because of this stain, many necromancers are viewed with some level of suspicion.


The most common rituals conducted of necromancy are those of burial. Common spells include consecrating a grave, to protect the body until the soul was able to pass on. Many necromancy rituals are performed during the season before All Souls Day to help resolve business before departing across the River Styx. Some rituals are performed to push the judges in favor of a particular afterlife, like a magical bribe. Many will do this in hopes of ending up in the same place, thus meeting again in the afterlife.


Most rites are observed at night, when Thanatos the Mother is at her greatest power.
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