Demon Stars Myth in Ifiron | World Anvil

Demon Stars


It is said that seeing a shooting star brings good luck being gifted by Thanatos, Goddess of Death and the Moons. On some occasions, these shooting stars will be quite large. When they are large enough to impact the ground they are called Demon Stars. It is said to be an omen of death, as a way to balance the luck given. It was said that a Demon Star fell was just before the Demon King came to power before the forming of the Conclave. Many believed that it was divine justice from Thanatos as punishment.

Historical Basis

There have been several reports of Demon Star's falling and nothing happening, however, there are just as many that have reported a demon attack shortly afterward. Because of their unpredictability, it is hard to confirm if they are linked.    Combined with the superstition and their cultural usage, there is a lot of misinformation around about Demon Stars. With the inclusion of false reports of demon stars following terrible things, the myth has outweighed any truth behind it.


It is common knowledge throughout the world. Every culture has a story of a Demon Star and the horrific punishment that came after. Everyone watches for shooting stars, either hoping to be granted with good luck or to see the omen of death coming.

Cultural Reception

It is commonly believed in most cultures. Some will use it in their phrasing when trying to imply their actions would bring about Thanatos' wrath. A threat of divine punishment.

In Literature

Numerous stories in most cultures have a story about a Demon Star, or used as a plot device for works of fiction. Many have studied the origins of the myths.

In Art

Several macabre works have depicted the Demon Star as a giant red ball of fire. A few ancient murals have depicted the Demon Star describing them as ill omens.
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Aug 2, 2020 14:00 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Really cool idea. :) I like that you included its depictions in literature and art too! :)

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet