The Unsung Organization in Ieldraphan | World Anvil
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The Unsung

The original core of Our Lady of Divine Descendence, who were more researchers and chroniclers before more hard line leadership came to power due to the discovery regarding secrets of the Ossuacarnum Empire and the The Gloam , creating a crisis and schism that resulted in a suppression and lock down of further information regarding pre-OLoDD times. After that, they became the shadow leadership of the religion, keeping an external front that ran the nominal operations and carefully controlling the Incarnation of Descendence and actual direction of the organization.   Created a clandestine force to dispatch on sensitive missions such as covert retrieval, assassinations, asset denial, and de/stabilization protocols. After the disaster of the The War of the Haro Minnaou /Unification War, control of the government turned in a more secular direction and the Unsung lost direct control of the government, they have begun to rely more and more on their secretive forces to accomplish their goals.  
  • Coryphaeus Council - Seven heads of the organization 20-25+ years
  • Coryphe- Leader of a geographic region or particular operation 15+ years
  • Monachai- Full member of the Unsung 5-15 years
  • Novitiate- New member in training. 0-5 years

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