Sucaanidae as a whole Species in Idris IV | World Anvil

Sucaanidae as a whole

Written by MoatheBeast

Joanna, a brilliantly coloured male Sucan retrieved his goods from the small elderly female behind a modular sales booth. The booth was stocked with exotic fruits and vegetables, a terrarium of small Sucuvé worms ready for a stew, broth or sashimi sat behind her. The male raised both of his scutellate-reticulate hands to the female's. The two individuals put their palms together bowed their heads, the bivalve-like melons on their heads opened up revealing many writhing tendrils of varying hues. Joanna entwined his tentacles with the female's and created a pulsating mass of green, blue and gold. Joanna was exchanging information about himself on a subconcious level; sweet memories, joys and some sorrows the female did the same., exchanges like this keep the community connected and peaceful. From this exchange Joanna not only learned the elders name ,Choeina, but also the sort of relationshios she has had and her feelings about her year so far. After about 30seconds Joanna turned with the bag of fruit and roots in his foreclaws and catapulted into flight with his frontmost wings and hind legs. For the sake of balance, he switched the parcel to his hind legs and extended his secondary forelimbs as extra airfoils. Joanna flew over the city's market hub. The wind rushed quickly over his long, membranous wings and rounded melon. He let out a long nasally shriek as he passed over some playing chicks, frightening them for a moment. Joanna and his mate were in charge of the vegetables at tonight's dinner party. Joanna's brilliant mahogany and scarlet body contrasted with his lavender and ivory coloured head and neck. He resembled a sudden burst of fire from a torch as he coasted over some vendors. Some individuals squaked his name as he passed overhead, he gestured at them with a free secondary hand.

Basic Information


Sucan are an “avian” analogous that evolved from medium-sized,arboreal, hexapedal species. The Sucan, as their ancestors would suggest, are hexapedal beings. They have two primary limbs adapted into long membranous wings for flight and walking, these end in 3 toed feet, with a pronounced thumb claw. The secondary forelimbs form wings although the patagia are reduced forming feathered wings. The secondary wings end in five toed hands. Finally the hindmost limbs are bird like with five claws (3 in front and 2 behind/to the sides). The secondary and hindlimbs are used for manipulation. climbing and emoting.
by Avian-king
Sucan can switch from walking on their forelimbs and balancing on their stiff tail, and walking on forelimbs the tertiary/hind limbs. The Sucan range from 4’0 to 9’0 tall depending on species and range. Sucan eyes are positioned on the lower portion of the head. The large orbits house not only large colourful eyes but miniature "brains" that process information independently and send it up to the main brain above the jawline. The Sucan have a bulbous melon atop their heads, inside the melon are cephalic-brachia which are connected to the main brain. The tentacles encased in the bivalve-like melon are usually blue or blue-violet at rest and flare up like a mood ring depending on the emotion. They allow the species to understand others without audible speech. The Sucan’s cephalic appendages are very sensitive to electric currents both organic and otherwise, as well as shifts in hormones and ques in body language. This makes the tentacles and the lobes they are associated with adaptive and empathetic with others. The individual can then act accordingly and avoid confrontation. The appendages also facilitate fine motor tasks such as writing. Sucan greetings, melon/tentacle anatomy and eye variation.   Instead of teeth set in sockets Sucaanidae are endowed with a set of pharyngeal jaws (throat jaws)equipped with fish-like incisors(not dissimilar to that of a parrotfish), canines/tusks like a sheepshead wrasse, reptilian molars, and throat spines. These jaws are only used when eating, yawning or in threat displays. The diet of Sucan consists of large invertebrates(many as large as small dogs), fish, eggs, fungi, vegetables, fruits, small reptiles, and mammals. They have blood laden in both hemoglobin and hemocyanin this gives their blood a deep blue or violet hue. This blood composition is essential to holding oxygen when flying at high altitudes at high speeds. The high hemocyanin content gives exposed flesh with thin skin a bluish hue. As cyannossiums(blue bones), Sucan and related species bear blue or green tinted bones. The bones are composed of calcium carbonate, carbon fiber and copper. Copper being the primary pigment throughout the body.   Sucan plumage varies greatly between subspecies/factions and in some cases individuals. The closer to the equator the more brilliant and variable the feathers become, Tribes near Ossros, Petloss and Isros Major are much more muted than those on the islands of Sarvos, Saka and the lower mainlands. The feathers have a crystalline microstructure that reflects light and colour like glitter or a fish’s scales; however, the natural base colouration is earthen browns, tans, or variants close to burgundy, the feathers are still very pleasant to the eye. Males of the Sucaanidae genus are always larger with some sort of head and/or dorsal display integument. Many forest-dwelling species develop humps and lumps on the head, The behemoth pelagic subspecies has modest “horns” and brow plumes.
Sucan Species of Idris IV pelagic species in flight

Genetics and Reproduction

Sucan are divided into three genders, Dom male, Sub/Satellite male, and female. Dom males function as the “standard” male, producing strong sperm and defending the flock. Females facilitate egg laying and storage, Satellite males can move between flocks more readily and can mate with either gender. Satellite males much like cuckoo wrasse and some reptiles can change their gender when the situation requires it; shutting off a testicle or ovary and/or transforming it. they usually produce sperm however rather weak swimmers compared to Dom males. Satelittes can store immature eggs or Dom sperm in a specialized organ until they are needed and the "penis" can shift its form enough to permit egg laying. Stored sperm can be be abstracted by the Satelitte and interwoven with their own sperm making the resulting progeny much more diverse and vigorous.
Sucan males have a superficially “standard” set of extrudable genitalia. A flower spike-like organ functions as a pipette sliding into the female’s vaginal opening. The Satellite’s copulatory organ is a compromise between the Dom's spike and the females flanged vagina. An elongated “pseudo vagina” that can be inserted or for lack of a better word “docked”. Males produce an excessive amount of seminal fluid. The large testicles are encased deep within the body close to the spinal column. The excessive production is believed to compensate for predation of chicks back when Sucan lived in much more primordial forests. Females have evolved a deep vaginal opening ending in a large semen storing organ, often this sac can be seen through parted feathers on the female's underside after copulation has occurred. Whatever isn’t used in fertilization is reabsorbed as protein for the clutch.
A. Above two Sucan are locked in the lock of love. This a heterosexual embrace; the individual on top is a bourbon Dom Palibran(One of the more obvious mutations) And the indivual below is a mottled Sweetgrass female Sarvosian. Typically the individual receiving takes the lower position, but Sucan do not only mate standing. They may mate tail to tail, missionary, flatiron, cowgirl, and many others. These terms are relative to humans and have different implications amongst these 6-limbed fliers.
Here a closer look at the embrace. The males phallus is inserted into the female's. The feathers about the genital pocket spread and the spike drops and begins to engorge with blood. A closer look shows the inflation of the female's sperma-crumina (sperm pouch). Whatever isn't used in fertilization is used by the female as nutrients.
  Two Satellites cannot effectively reproduce as their offspring often have complications due to their weaker genetic coding. Females prefer areas where males are plentiful, Satellites can make a population look either more male laden, or more female laden, evening out the population distribution. They also can provide services females find useful such as nest mates, nannies or helping with beauty care. The species doesn’t conform to cliche masculinity for the most part, but the satellites seem to care as much if not more so for glamour then dom males. Dom males develop thick bulbous chin tissue as they age as well as downy whiskers along the upper jaw. Satellites stay relatively smooth in the facial region occasionally developing the “knob” on the nasal and premaxilla of mature Doms. Satellite males are commonly found in sex work due to their versatility. The existence of Satellites is impart responsible for the diversity of colouration and plumage in Sucan. Satelittes can bring cross-fertilized eggs and sperm between greater populations. Polygamy was the standard in the past, however, a fair proportion of the population indulge in monogamy with another member( usually a satellite) visiting occasionally for sexual reasons. However this is not a set standard as nonbreeding Satellite-Satellite couplings, Satellite-Dom, or Satellite-Female couplings do occur.   Birth control is used when convenient, but often individuals who lack foresight or care little about the future may simply destroy any fertile eggs that may arise from a casual encounter. Birth control is usually the ingestion of a particular root filled with the eggs of a large predatory crustacean. This crustacean’s eggs as well as the root posses hormones that halt the maturation of eggs and or ovulation in females.

Growth Rate & Stages

Sucan begin life as leathery pine-cone like eggs. the average Sucan regardless of genus lay 1-3 eggs. In about 32-42 days (dependant upon species and temperature) the altricial chicks hatch. These chicks are born with slitted eyes, tiny reduced wings, and covered in patches of loose and wooly down and short quills. For the first 3 weeks, the chicks are nest ridden and need their parents to feed them, remove fecal sacs and The chicks do not appear metallic like their parental units. At about the 21st day the chick's quills have lengthened and began to split into soft metallic feathers. These feathers allow the parents to spend more time off of the nest and care for themselves. Chicks aren't anywhere nearly as flight capable as their parents until they are at least 3 months old, but do climb about the nesting chamber and branches circa 28 days when at least some sort of airfoil is formed. Sucan do not reach sexual maturity until they two years old at the earliest, at this point they have also developed an immunity to the toxins in the foods they will consume regularly.

Ecology and Habitats

The habitat defines the species present in the wilds, but not within the cities. The coasts/marine areas have few if any species other "avian" species live here such as the Blú and small foragers. A large pelagic species (mentioned in anatomy section) dwells in and around cooler seas. The mountains of the Great Atos, Dipan and Ossros are inhabited by a wooly dwarf species that creates settlements caves and burrows, the lower Tropics have the most variety with a menagerie dwelling within miles of each other. golden plumes

Dietary Needs and Habits

Sucan are by and large a tropic fairing omnivorous order of animals. Very few species dwell were it is cold year round or “wet”. A large type dwells around the coasts of the Pacian sea. That being said diet varies based upon region and family. In general, Sucaanidae feed heavily on meats, the more exotic the better. Factions will trade foods from time to time at markets and engineer livestock animals that will add a new flavour to the pot. Foods that are rich in psychoactive enzymes are particularly favored. Banquets of “enlightening” foods, such as the venom sacs of large invertebrates, egg sacs of toxic fish, marinades of exciting fungi really get the party going. Chicks are exposed to these foods early on as to immunize them against the potentially harmful effects of the dishes. On the tamer side of the dietary spectrum are large colourful roots collected in bulk, dismantled vertebrates sold for stews and medical purposes, whole crustaceans/large arthropods bound inside large seed pods. Fruits are chosen when they are freshly ripened or not ripened at all, many animals do not feed on them this early giving the Sucan a headstart in the harvest. Foods that aren't being fed on immediately are pickled in marinade jars, refrigerated, or salted. A particular favorite way of keeping meat is smoking and drying. Foods that require gnawing or chewing are desired for chicks who are teething. Other than flavour, tactility is sought after. Soft fish or invertebrate soups are crammed into shells that require fingers, tools or vigorous smashing to drag them out, the more challenging the better.   Note: It's not usual for a dinner party to become a genital jamboree especially when psychoactive components are involved.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Sucans tri-gendered system has influence on society. Doms are the most aggressive and largest of the sexes. They can secure matings by being defenders and providers. Satellites are intelligent and good nest builders. And females are nurturing and great foragers.   Their relations can be summarized as:
  • Doms break problems
  • Satellites solve problems
  • Females soften problems

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Sucaanidae tend not to use themselves as a means of production. However, the exception is the down of the Ossrosians post-breeding season. They collect the down after all chicks are reared and sell it in great quantities to the other species as an insulation material.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Found all Over Idris IV except where it is too cold for even large livestock to exist.

Average Intelligence

Sucaanidae are by and large as intelligent or more so than the average human, however, they do not tend to bother themselves with the little domestic details we care about such as income taxes, utilities, etc. Their minds are focused upon bettering themselves, each other and the realm they dwell in.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sucan have 2 sets of ears like many Idrian animals, 1 set on the flanks; an ancestral trait from where the gills sat in fish and a pair between the clavicles. sounds can be recieved from any of the orifices and so locations can be triangulated by ear. The cephalic-brachia are likely Sucaanidaes greatest asset, these extensions of the forebrain grant Sucan the ability to communicatwe with others through non-audible means. The Sucan’s cephalic appendages are very sensitive to electric currents both organic and otherwise, as well as shifts in hormones and ques in body language. This makes the tentacles and the lobes they are associated with adaptive and empathetic with others. The individual can then act accordingly and avoid confrontation. The chemistry of the tentacles isn't entirely understood however, as just entwining them can help Councils decide who is or isn't guilty, increase arousal during pairings and identify others.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Naming traditions vary from place to place but generally they are as follows: Sucan names come in parts, 3 to be exact. Individuals are identified by family name, given name and creche name. Family name is put first but typically not used outside of formality. This name is derived from a plant or animal from which the family originates. The given forenames are variable intentionally, they can originate from a vocalization or from features, weather, colours, etc. They are meant to be different from others in the area. The creche names or their names a flock of juveniles has is dependant upon the individuals. They may choose a name for themselves or the most prominent feature of the group will be abstracted into a name. For example if all or most members of the creche have split filoplumes or are doms they may all get the name wooly crests, mahogany wing, or any close approximation. A good complete name would be Wraithfruit, Starbreast, Rach (casualy known as Starbreast Rach or Starbreast Wraithfruit of Rach.)   When it comes to pronouns Sucan recognize many, but at the core are
  • Dom-Drea >dom parent
  • Summa-Drea > satellite parent
  • Fem-Drea > female parent
  • Alius-Drea > other/mixed association

Beauty Ideals

As far as the standard is concerned Sucan females are expected to be plump but not overweight. Being overly skinny or having carinate that is too sharp is considered a sign of illness. Sucan Doms and satellites are expected to be physically capable of copulating regularly and have rapid refractory periods, a full female is a satisfied female. The ideal Satellite is built more like a female than a male, however, they can be more or less masculine.   Sucan are very fond for colour natural or otherwise as being vibrant means you have low parasite loads and high vigor. makeup/ paint and permanent tattoos are permitted and accepted widely in society. Some individuals may have their neck and nape feathers powdered in a flattering colour or their retrices dip dyed. the area about the eyes and melon are prime real-estate for applications. plumage bleaching is also common-practice. Colours that do not make the wearer look good or muddy their appearance have the opposite effect.   wing augmentation is commonplace but isn't meant to impede flight. Decorative piercings and motifs can really bring out someone's character but as soon as you find flight difficult they are no longer ideal. It is almost blasphemous to take away yours or anyone else's ability to fly. Edgy juveniles may run around talking about getting extreme wing modifications but are usually dissuaded by the adults around them, that isn't to say there aren't some individuals who have lost or come close to losing their flight capabilities. Adults who don't grow out of this hormonal edgy phase often form the punk and gothic subculture. Ideals vary species to species. The

Relationship Ideals

Sucan do infact mate for life, however the amount of sexual partners and thier corresponding genders change almost regularly.

Average Technological Level

Sucan utilize solar, electric, life and steam powered tech in their day to day lives. They have also managed to not only acheive a near-zero-emission ecology, but they have also made their way into space- exploring other planets within their galaxy.

Common Etiquette Rules

Common Dress Code

Sucan are a volant species so clothing must be at the very least light. Sucan are not required by any ordinance to wear clothing unless they have a occupation that requires it. Sucan “privates” are hidden under feathers and slits so clothing didn’t develop out of “decency”, more of a need to maintain homeostasis and carry items in flight. Cloths also double as a means of expression. Sucan are big proponents of elegant and ornate collars and ruffs. The collars were originally meant to protect the necks of migrating adults and fledgelings who were passing over colder ranges. Over time the collars, scarves and ruffs got more ornate and beautiful. . Some coats and capes are specific to the individual’s role in the society. Members of the council have larger and more intricate collars laced with stories, songs, and illustrations pertinent to the species. Flock guardians have much sharper collars with minimal detailing. Sucan Hats also reflect a need. Large hats keep the sun out of individual’s eyes out in the open. In general these hats are used to show a flock-members personality. Sucan love plenty of colour in their clothing and plumage. Coloured ties, leg bands, facial paint and patagia piercings all add to the aesthetic. Sucan that dwell within the cities or walk on unusually rough or abrasive terrain dawn “rubber” soled mittens. Sucan that engage in “hand” intensive activities usually trim the feathers on their secondary limbs to avoid making a mess of themselves.
Jayrock & Avian-king by Jay eaton & Avian-king
    A. Basic flying suit Sucan can fly just dandy, At the core of a common sucan assemble is a basic onesie with holes for the limbs, over that is trains, cowls and capes that make the attire more eccentric.
    B. Beautiful casual clothing Sucan love collars. This is about the mid-level of the intricacy of a collar. They can be more or less complex by common standards. The most regal collars of course limit motion and flight so are reserved for members of the Council or the like.
    C. Casual clothing w/ split collar and gogglesSucan can and do wear glasses. Due to the bulbous and side set properties of the ocular apparati the lenses are convex. This shape makes their monocular/stereoscopic vision more sensible. A sucan may read or examine images off to either side of the head/body. The collar is part of the main clothing, however it is a split collar. Sucan collars come in many variants.


Sucan originate from the planet Idris IV; A huge super-earth with a denser atmosphere and higher gravity than earth. The planet dominated by mega-forests and shallow seas. The species began as primitive tribal units in the great forest. once they reached higher sapience they became more colony oriented, with established matriarchs and patriarchs ruling the population. Shamanistic and paganistic practices were instrumental to their development. The use of mind-altering naturally occurring substances such as venoms and plants. The use of such things would encourage new ideas and practices. With the technological advancements, they took to the stars and began looking for a new home to disperse the growing population and test they're new found technological and political powers. When they came to Chimeras(Old Mesozoic Earth) they began terraforming regions and altering certain species to suit their needs or become companions.   The Sucan moved from the forests and mountains to cities some odd thousand years ago. Here predators are scarce and social opportunities are plenty. Sucan culture is rooted deeply in the belief in Homeworld coming first and then the species itself. Religion exists but isn’t a focus, many members practicing agnosticism or only going to deities when it is convenient.The whole species is governed by a small council of older members serving the people until death. They try to think as one with the colony as their priority, of course nobody is perfect and not everyone can agree on everything so there are debacles from time to time but for often than not things go along smoothly. Sucan society is really free flowing outside of the council. The Council does engage in some conspicuous consumption dawning impractical attire that impedes flight and consuming or raising selectively bred animals that very few if anyone has access to. They are an inherently liberal species with an overall “ peace, love and green” movement going on. Many individuals dawning organic or at least mostly organic fibers, engaging in recreational drug “parties” where transcendental folk music is played and bodies are explored and new connections made and remaining conscious of the species/nature around them sapient or not. The spur of this movement was the fear of becoming like the humans they saw evolving in the multiverse. Many technological assets are powered by electricity, natural waste converted to a near odorless fuel and solar power.
Scientific Name
  • Sucan belong to the Phylum:Cyannosium
  • Class: ambulopennates
  • Order: Floridiceps-Angelus
  • Family: Sucaanidae (A dozen or so species occupy this family) .
Sucan can live an excess of 60+ years within thier protected cities, Those that dwell outside of the townships may not live as long or lavishly.
Average Height
Sucan Height varies greately. Atosian's stand 3.5ft tall while the greater pelagic species stand 10 or so feet in height.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Dom has three chromosomes for colour, the Satellite has two, and the female has one. XXX, XXY and XYY respectively. This makes colour a sex-linked affair in many cases.
In Sucan the male chromosomes bear the colour locus. Dom males have the most variability in colour-related genotyping. Satellites being second and females being third. The daughter's colour is inherited from her father(s). Sucan colour genetics vary by species. In this case we will target the Palibran and Sarvosian Sucan. The core colours are red-violet, brown and blue. This is also the order of dominance. Depending on modifiers red-violet can present itself as white crowned red-violet, bourbon, or orange factor. Brown is second in command. Producing brown, creme, yellow, sweetgrass and gold. Blue is the least dominant. Blue produces lilac, ash, sidewalk, splash and black depending on the modifier.
The colours range pretty evenly amongst the sexes. However, females are typically less saturated. Some modifiers are Eumelanin enhancers-diluters(those that affect the blues/blacks, and some browns in individuals). Phaeomelanin enhancers-diluters(these affect red-violet, orange, golden-red browns). Patterns are not common in either subspecies, but they can occur as they appear to be some ancestral condition. Lacing, stippling, barring, splarker, and splangling persist in some populations. Unusual pattern mutations such as mottling, pied, and broken chimera.
Genotypes vs Phenotypes
Rr-rr-rr=red-violet Rr-Br-Br=red+brown Br-br-bl= brown Bl-Bl-rr= blue
Feather type also varies amongst individuals too. Feathers can be loose, tight, frizzled, split, or silkied. Most sucan are loose or tight feathered. But silkied or split quill. Because the wings are membranous, feather quality doesn’t affect flight enough to render individuals flightless. The silkied, split and frizzled feathers are recessive traits. silkie+silkie=silkie silkie+smooth=smooth (may present some shredding) silkie=smooth(silkie)=silkie. The same mechanic applies to the others. However in some cases, it is an incomplete dominant, in that a frizzle crossed to a hard feather can produce offspring with slight crimps in the feather.
The rarest of the feather mutations is scaleless. Scaleless individuals are devoid of plumage and scales. Individuals with this mutation have issues finding partners, avoiding the sun, parasites, maintaining body temperature in cooler climates, and avoiding injury. those with the Scaleless mutation are advised to where dense clothing, especially in inclement weather      


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