Thalia García Character in Iainus | World Anvil
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Thalia García

Thalia Nida García (a.k.a. Thals)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thalia is relatively healthy, even though she had to have a heart transplant because of multiple blood clots and is also blind (but can still see lights and shadows).

Mental characteristics


Because of her vision impairment, Thalia isn't capable of many jobs. When she was young, however, Thalia found a love of comedy and performance so she decided to take up a career as a stand-up comedian. Her manager told her that the video platform Watchspace was taking off and Thalia should hire a videographer and editor for showing people the behind the scenes of her comedy shows. As her channel became popular, she started making more personal videos, such as talking about life as a child of celebrities, living with a disability, life in the public eye, ect. She became an online sensation very quickly and went on to do many things in the field of entertainment including being a disability consultant for movies, tv shows, etc., starring in music videos and films, being a featured guest on podcasts and tv and modelling.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Thalia has won multiple awards from the Iainus Comedy Association: Leading Woman in Entertainment award thirteen (13) times, Best Stand-Up Special award seventeen (17) times, Besy Comedy Actress award once (1) and Best Disabled Comedian fifteen (15) times.

In terms of social media, Thalia has received Best Disability Adovacte Online nine (9) times, Best Upcoming Watchspace Creator once (1), Most Comedic Content Creator fourteen (14) times and Most Heart-Touching Docuseries once (1) for her series Closing me Eyes: The Story of how I Became Blind and How I came to Terms With it.
Year of Birth
2183 51 Years old
Current Residence

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