Golden Coin of House Palcus Item in Iaforis | World Anvil

Golden Coin of House Palcus

From deep in the underbelly of Foxdale to its highest reaches of power, a small golden coin has found its way into the pockets of people in useful positions. A simple coin from a froeign power to most, these coins carry a deeper meaning to those who have suffered the most – revolution.


To the members of The Children of Avarice, which is not to be confused with but also inextricilbly tied to the ophanage by the same name, these coins are of of the few becons of hope they have ever seen. Orphaned at a young age, the former elven slave known as Mother Naivara was able to raise them to see the world through her eye while she took care of them at the orphanage. As each coin becomes tied to Naivara's influence, so does the Children's ability to influence and control the people – the opressors – around them.


"I need a councilor, Diven."   "Mother?" "The High Council, I want one of them in our pocket. Valtteri, maybe." "We don't have the coin to bribe someone like that." "Oh, but I think we do."
— Naivara to Diven
Without the Helm of Telepathy Naivara took from House Palcus during the slave revolts, these coins are just coins. However, when the Talrous word for "obey" is spoken the coin opens a magical conduit to the helm, allowing its wielder to read and even influnce the minds of people in the area. This has been used by Naivara and her followers to influnce and control people in positions of power within Foxdale.


House of Palcus Gold Coin

Wondrous Item

Common Divination

When the command word is spoken while within 10 ft. of the coin it becomes warm to the touch. Whoever is attuned to Naivara's Helm of Telepathy can use the helm's abilities as if they were in the same location as the coin. This effect wears off after 1 minute, and the coin can not be used again until the next dawn.

Weight: 0.32 ounces

Item type
Currency & Deeds
Owning Organization
While coins with the symbol of House Palcus aren't particularly rare, especially in tradehubs like Foxdale, only a couple dozen of them have been enchanted by Naivara and her children.
0.32 ounces
30 mm
Base Price
1 gp

Cover image: by MOM


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