Edward-part of my possible au series Character in I just need this for expanding my characters and plot | World Anvil
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Edward-part of my possible au series

Edward James Pagan

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Edward is a pretty healthy guy, he's always been an athletic guy enjoying sports like football. He's got a pretty standard body shape for a boy in his late teens to a man in his early 20's.

Facial Features

Edward has a small beauty spot/mole on the right side of his face.

Identifying Characteristics

Edward was known for being a pretty handsome guy due to his grey eyes with a mix of his brown hair.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Edward was born into a lower-class family in Liverpool. He however got adopted by another family when he was around six/seven years old. He grew up rather popular in school by being the popular funny guy everyone loves to make up for the fact he never felt wanted in his biological family's home or his adopted. In 1914 when the WW1 started Edward didn't hesitate to sign up for the war in order for him to be with his friends and to get some freedom away from his family. Christmas that year was the Christmas truce and Edward briefly met a German solider named Olaf and they chat for a bit together before they had to return to their posts.    In 1915, when the infection first started, Edward was stuck in a massive battle between the Germans and the infected. He was rescued by Olaf but the German soldiers didn't want an English solider in their bunkers. Luckily Olaf managed to convince some people that it was better to work with the enemy then die by the greater threat now looming so they group got together to figure out a way to escape. Olaf and Edward were on of the few that made it out alive and they made a pact to figure out what was going on and to find a safe place to take refuge in until this crisis calms down, then, they would go their separate ways.    Edward and Olaf began to grow close together however and eventually became friends and began surviving and spending what should have been the best years of their lives together.


Edward is extremely confused by his sexuality. He thinks he likes girls and likes the idea of being in love with a girl and has had crushes on them Olaf makes him rethink everything.


Edward was taught at the public schoolhouse due to growing up working class and then a secondary school. Edward never had any ambitions for university especially since he deemed it out of his reach.


Edward had also expected growing up that he would just end up working at the local market shop his adopted father owned but he had some dreams of joining the army or the navy some day and saw an opportunity with the war.

Mental Trauma

Edward has never felt wanted in his adopted household as he always felt like his adopted parents had some sort of resentment for him. He felt like he wasn't treated the same as his adopted siblings. He developed a low self esteem as a result and to make up for this he became the "fun popular guy" the exciting guy that was always mucking about and making his mates laugh so that people like him. Despite appearing confident and in control he almost always goes along with what other people do rather then what he wants.    Olaf teaches him to embrace and explore who he wants to be rather then a person he thinks people would like and gives him that sense of acceptance and love that he's always craved but nothing got from his parents and that never seemed guanine from his school friends.

Morality & Philosophy

Edward at first seemed to have the standard morality everyone else has/had back then, a true sort of chaotic good kind of guy. After he meets Olaf however, his opinions and morals against German people start to change.  During the apocalypse Edward's morals begin to slip as other obviously begin to as he starts getting more and more comfortable doing violent acts against people he views to deserve it and against the infected. However Olaf is there to shut it right down as Olaf even during the apocalypse if trying to keep his strict moral code.

Personality Characteristics


Edward's first outer motivation before the apocalypse was to join the military in order for him to feel a sense of freedom for him from his family. His more inner desire was to just be genuine beloved and liked. When the apocalypse started his main motivation was just to survive while his inner desire stays the same.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Edward is pretty athletic and is quite natural with sports. He's pretty agile, a naturally fast runner and is pretty strong with his upper body.

Virtues & Personality perks

Edward is someone who always makes a person smile and laugh, no matter what he has to do. He's a daredevil who loves anything and everything exciting and always tried to get others to do the same in order to be seen as the popular fun guy. He's quite a supportive guy as well overall, the ultimate hype man.

Vices & Personality flaws

Edward is a massive daredevil but that often gets him in trouble, especially with his family. he can often be seen as too impulsive and that he has very little regard for himself. He's also known for having a temper and can get very defensive.


Edward begins to find alternative ways to deal with his hygiene during the apocalypse. He starts shaving using pocket knives instead but he slowly starts giving up with taking care of his hair after two years in the apocalypse.


Contacts & Relations

Edward grew up with a large group of schoolfriends who often fed into his ego of wanting to be popular and beloved by people. He's also had one or two sweethearts in his early-mid teenage years but like teenagers he just moved on from them.

Family Ties

Edward has his adopted parents but his father left and his mother passed at 30 due to alcoholic poisoning.  He's then adopted by his parents Harriet and Richard(Dick hehe) and gains his adopted siblings Myrtle, Gregory and Howard.

Wealth & Financial state

Edward grew up in a working class household in the Edwardian era, when the wealth divide was very apparent. His family often had to work hard to feed everyone.
Date of Birth
23rd October
Liverpool, England
Current Residence
Silver grey eyes, round
Wavy, messy, chestnut brown hair, short but long in his fridge
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
5,11 ft
Known Languages
Edward's first language is English although he does get taught a great deal of German by Olaf and vise visa.

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