Itza, Queen of the Twilight Character in Hyrule | World Anvil
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Itza, Queen of the Twilight

Queen Itza

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She's incredibly thin and tall, like a shadow stretching across the ground. What she lacks in physical strength she makes up in magic use.

Body Features

White skin with black markings, a black, inverted triangle on the back of her left hand. Her index and pinky fingers are significantly longer than her middle and ring fingers.

Facial Features

Long, thin nose. The corners of her eyes seem to be turned upwards

Physical quirks

Left handed

Specialized Equipment

As most powerful Twili are, she is well-versed in the ways of twilight magic, including teleportation and shadow manipulation.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Itza was born into the paradoxical class of Servant to the Palace of Twilight, as both servant and also a potential next in line for the throne of the Twilight Realm. She served alongside her older brother, Vatzi, and together, they dreamed of what they would do if they were crowned as ruler of the Twilight. They swore to each other, however, that they wouldn't let those fantasies get in the way of their serving the Queen, and that if one of them did get crowned, they would never stop being loyal to each other.   They were raised by their well-meaning parents, who had been passed up for ruler in the previous generation of servants. The siblings heard stories from them of the history of the Twilight, and how the Twili were descended from the Hylians who had betrayed the goddesses and attempted to steal the power of the Triforce for themselves. They also heard stories of how Queen Midna and the Hero of Twilight had saved the Twilight from the harsh rule of the Usurper King Zant, and with it, the Light Realm, as well. Itza took a different lesson from those stories than her brother, looking up to Queen Midna and how she helped both the realms. Her brother, however, looked up to Zant and yearned to reclaim the Light Realm, believing it was the Twili's right to call Hyrule home, as well.   As they grew, Vatzi became increasingly interested in studying the history of the Twilight Realm, locking himself away for hours whenever he wasn't needed at the Palace. Itza was worried about him and his studies, but stayed by his side nevertheless. She worked hard in his stead, often covering for him whenever he was too tired to work. The Queen often questioned why she worked so hard while her brother studied, but she stayed humble and usually told the Queen that she didn't mind picking up the slack for him.   When their parents finally passed away, Itza and Vatzi turned to each other for comfort, and in the weeks and months that followed, Itza had hope that Vatzi might finally come out of hiding. But soon she realized that his long nights spent pouring over ancient texts had only managed to radicalize him further, and they had difficulty even talking to each other without the conversation ending in uneasy silence, with Itza refusing to acknowledge the conversation and Vatzi feeling that continuing his discussion was pointless.   Eventually, the day came for the Queen to choose her successor. Itza watched as her brother puffed himself up, making sure he looked his best for the day. She took her time getting ready, slowly and methodically picking out her dress and doing up her hair. Despite her nerves, her hands didn't shake, and her breath never quickened. She walked beside her brother the entire way to the ceremony.   When the crown came to her, she didn't know what to do at first. But she trusted the former Queen and her choice, and did her best to step up to the plate, as well as keep her promise to her brother. She appointed Vatzi as her head adviser, but, knowing how he was, appointed others to her side, as well. She hoped against all hope that Vatzi wouldn't hold her appointment against her, just as he had promised long ago, but could never quite shake that sinking feeling in her heart that she was wrong about him.   Itza was excited to lead her people, to look after them and care for them as best she could. She was confident in her ability to lead, as well as the people she surrounded herself with, at least until the complaints about her brother started to roll in. Many of her advisers vehemently opposed his views, some took offense to some of his statements. She tried her best to reassure her advisers that he was harmless, that it was always good to have a different view on things, while also keeping her promise to her brother to keep him close. This went on for several years, and she dutifully tried to keep the balance between her brother, her advisers, and her people.   Queen Itza came under much criticism for her brother's actions, and eventually there was nothing else she could do for Vatzi. After he assaulted a visiting Hylian noblewoman, Itza had no choice but to exile him from the Palace. With a shaking hand, she decreed it so, warning him that he was no longer welcome in the Palace, and that he should be grateful that he wasn't banished from the entire realm that he loved so much.   After her brother's banishment, Itza dutifully returned to her work as leader of the Twilight. Her efforts to create peace between the Light and Twilight realms doubled, even through the chaos of the Hylian civil war. She made it clear that all were welcome in the Twilight Realm, and that the Twili had no intention of taking part in Hyrule's war.

Gender Identity

Female, she/her/hers


Itza gained some of her education while she was a servant in the Palace, sometimes gleaming things from her brother and his studies, but completed the rest of her education as Queen.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Queen Itza officiated the restoring of the Mirror of Twilight, bringing the two realms together once more.

Intellectual Characteristics

Queen Itza is smart and empathetic, and strives for peace in all that she does.

Personality Characteristics


Only wishes to keep the peace within her kingdom, and between her kingdom and others. She has a deep respect for Hyrule and its history, but loves her people and where they came from.


Contacts & Relations

She's been in contact with the Mayor of Castle Town, the ruler of Ingot, as well as a few of the wandering Gerudo tribes. She stays away from the so-called King Hyrule in the south. She hasn't spoken to her brother ever since his exile.

Religious Views

While she knows of Hylia and the Goddesses under her, she is well aware that her people betrayed them long ago, leading to their banishment. Instead, she looks to whatever gods the Twilight Realm might have in store.

Social Aptitude

She's well-versed in proper Hylian etiquette, and always polite while under the public eye.

Hobbies & Pets

She enjoys learning how to sword fight in her own personal time


Itza, Queen of the Twilight

Sister (Important)

Towards Vatzi, Fallen from grace



Vatzi, Fallen from grace

Brother (Important)

Towards Itza, Queen of the Twilight



Nicknames & Petnames

"Itzi," "Vati"

Wealth & Financial state

While she is the Queen of the Twilight, she keeps her wealth localized to the Palace, mostly. She sees herself as a steward of her kingdom and thinks of very little as "her own."
Character Location

Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Queen of the Twilight
Twilight Realm
Current Residence
Palace of Twilight
Long, purple
6' 10"
Related Plots
Known Languages
Common, Twili
Ruled Locations


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