Creatures of Yore Species in Hypnosium | World Anvil

Creatures of Yore

Mythical Creatures


Aeternae: Insect men

Lives on one of the Nesoi

Amphisbaena: Snake with head at each end

Lives in the Ourea

Arae: Female Daemons of Curses

Lives in Chthon

Basilisk: Petrifying lizard

Lives in the Ourea

Cacusi: Fire-breathing giants

Lives on Krakatoa

Catoblepa: Poison-breath buffalo

Lives on Olympus

Centaur: Half man and half horse

Live on one of the Nesoi

Cerastes: Spineless, horned snake

Lives on the Ourea

Cerberusi: Three-headed dog

Lives in Chthon

Charybdis: Great whirlpool sea monster

Lives in Pontus

Chimera: Three-headed firebreathing monster

Live on Ourea

Crocotta: Carnivorous stag

Lives on Olympus

Cyclops: One-eyed giants

Lives in Chthon

Damysus: Fast giants

Lives in Tartarus

Demiurgen: Crafter of realities

Lives in Tartarus

Dryad: Female tree spirit

Lives on Olympus

Eidolon: Phantom doppelganger

Lives in Chthon

Eurynomos: Male daemons who eat the flesh of the dead

Lives in Chthon

Gegenees: Six-armed giants

Lives in Tartarus

Gorgon: Snake-headed woman

Lives on a Nesoi

Graeae: Trio of hags

share a mystical tooth and a mystical eye
Lives on a Nesoi

Hecatoncheires: Hundred-handed giants

Lives in Tartarus

Hesperides: Roman name Atlantides

      The "daughters of evening" were the protectors of the Gardens of Lixus, and their sacred fruits, the Golden Apples (mythical name for oranges).
Over the ages, they have spread their Golden Apples about the world. They reside on their mystical Isle of Juno practising music when they are not out protecting their scattered orchards. No one knows how many Hesperides there are, but some of their names are known: Aigle, Aiopis, Antheia, Arethusa, Asterope, Calypso, Chrysothemis, Donakis, Erytheis, Hespere, Hippolyte, Hygieia, Lipara, Mapsaura, Mermesa, Nelisa, Tara, Thetis.  

Hippalectryon: Fore half horse/back half chicken

Lives on Olympus

Hippocampus: Upper half horse/ lower half fish

Lives in Pontus

Hydra: Many-headed scaled beast

Lives in the Ourea

Kobalos: Funny little tricksters

Lives on Olympus

Laestrygonians: Cannibalistic giants

Lives in Tartarus

Lamiai: original "vampires"

Live in Chthon

Manticore: Human-headed red lion with a spiked tail

Lives in the Ourea

Merfolk: Fish-tailed humans

Lives in Pontus and Thalassa

Minions of Eris

      Each minion is a mortal Eris gifts with power, agelessness, and absolute obedience to her. When one dies, she will grant those gifts to another mortal.
No matter their mortal names, once they accept her gifts, they become the minion whose name that power was made for. Their leader is Enyalius (Strife). The others are Ponos (Hardship), Limos (Starvation), Algea (Pains) can split into three, Hyminai (Battles) can split into three, Makhai (Wars) can split into three, Phonoi (Murders) can split into three, Androktasiai (Manslaughters) can split into three, Neikea (Quarrels) can split into three, Pseudea (Lies) can split into three, Amphillogiai (Disputes) can split into three, Dysnomia (Misrule), Horkos (Oath)   INDEPENDANT MINIONS
1) Lethe (Forgetfulness) is connected to the river of the same name in Chython and has lost the absolute obedience to Eris. The Lethe power is now transfered by the infernal river itself.
2)Ate (Ruin) Lost the absolute obedience to Eris. In 1590 Edmund Spenser wrote of Ate in The Faerie Queen. In 1592 Shakespeare wrote of Ate in King John then in 1599 he wrote of Ate in Julius Caeser and a third time in 1623 in Much Ado About Nothing. In 1984 Barbara Tuchman wrote of Ate in The March of Folly: From Troy to Vietnam.  

Minotaur: Bull-headed human

Live on a Nesoi

Odontotyrannos: Triceratops

Lives on Olympus

Ophiotaurus: Half-bull/ half-serpent

Lives on Olympus

Orthrusi: Two-headed dog

Lives on Olympus

Ouroboros: Immortal dragon that is biting its own tail

Encompasses Chthon, Thalassa, Pontus, and Mount Olympus regions

Panoptes: hundred-eyed giants

Lives in Tartarus

Phoenix: Fire bird that rises from its ashes

Live on Olympus

Pterippi: Winged horses

Lives on Olympus


The High Priestess at the Temple At Delphi. She serves as the Oracle. She speaks intelligibly in her own voice, though myths abound of her speaking in stange tonuges that only the other priestesses can interpret. She is a mortal and on her passing, the title and duty is passed on to another in secret ritual.

Satyrs & Satresses: Goat-legged, and horned, humans

Live on a Nesoi

Siren: Waterbird women who lure sailors to their doom

Lives in Pontus

Sphinx: Human-headed lion

Lives on Olympus

Stymphalian Bird: Metallic beaked and feathered bird

Lives on Olympus

Talosi: Bronze giants

Live in Tartarus

Tarandos: Chameleon deer the size of an ox

Lives on Olympus

Typhoni: Storm giants

Lives in Tartarus


Cover image: by GDJ


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