Avermundi is the planet where the setting of Hydragyrum is focused.
It is split into two hemispheres The Eastern Side and the Western Sided.
Avermundi is a similar size to earth though it has less landmass, this gives it some impressive oceans.
Avermundi has two moons and is surrounded by a nebula called The Shroud of vociejecit.
The Eastern Side
The Eastern Sides landmass is slightly smaller then The Western and is comprised of two continents right next to one another and a large chain of islands. The main Countries are:- Kylaia
- Menerv
- Haa'jiira
- and Maphni
The most common and largest biomes in The Eastern Side are:- Jungle
- woodland
- desert
- islands
- temperate rain forest
- Tundra
- and islands
The Western Side
Unfortunately as i do not plan on needing the western side anytime soon there is no geographical information for it yet. The West Side will feature some real world biomes that The Eastern Side doesn't have and some different races and ethnicity.
Included Locations
Included Organizations
Inhabiting Species
Related Materials