Tylnaltet Ethnicity in Huntress | World Anvil
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The Tylnaltet are a populous ethnic group on the continent of Arem. They were once the majority group in the expansive Tylnal Empire, which had claimed up to a third of the landmass of Arem at its height. Since the fall of the Empire some 400 years ago, the Tylnaltet have come to live in a number of different territories in that same geographical region, but have nonetheless maintained a strong sense of cultural unity.   Tylnaltet commonly have light skin with cool undertones, heart-shaped faces and high, soft cheekbones, and adult tend to stand over 160 cm tall. Due to their imperial history, they tend to embody a cultural pride that borders on nostalgia. Generally perceived as a refined and respectable people which values learning, they can sometimes have a reputation of being snobbish and set in their ways.   They are known for their skilled artisans and artists, and their goods are exported all over the world. They rely on a meticulous apprenticeship system to assure that the next generation of artisans are highly trained.    

The Tylnaltet population on Marak

  The first Tylnaltet that settled on Marak were artisans looking for new audiences to sell their wares too. Due to the well-established trade routes between the two continents, Tylnaltet products, particularly pottery and lacework, were already in demand. They initially settle in the port cities in the north-west of the continent but have since spread far and wide. Now, it is difficult to find any City along the coast or any inland To'esic City that does not have a sizable Tylnaltet presence, except in the far south-east or just along the Lepras mountains.   Ever since the Mist came, contact with their kin on other continents has been reduced to nearly nothing and as such the Tylnaltet on Marak have become somewhat culturally distinct.

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