Solemnity of Dedication Tradition / Ritual in Humble | World Anvil

Solemnity of Dedication

Solemnity of Dedication is a ceremony held a few weeks after a battle has been fought. It is held at the king's halls. Every soldier that participated in the defense of Azmarin is invited.  

Day of Remembrance

The first day of the ceremony, the fallen heroes will be remembered. The leadership of the order will read the names of those who died on the battlefield. Each name, followed by a short pause.   Once all the names have been read out loud, the king will commend them for their bravery and thank them for their service in protecting the kingdom. Then several priests, one after another, will pray for their souls, each towards a different good God.   Once the ceremony is done, everyone is free to do as they wish. Most of them will stay in the hall, talk about their fallen comrades. Some of them prefer to leave to their families. And then there are those who feel like this is their chance to voice their concerns about how things went. The king often doesn't stick around for too long after the ceremony ends, because hearing all those young man that died burdens his heart enormously.  

Day of Acknowledgement

The second day of the ceremony, the survivors receive the acknowledgement for their services. Since most of them will be the lowest rank when they went into battle, they will all gain a rank. This is done without much fanfare. It starts off by stating the rank and then reading out loud, the names of people now holding this rank.  
We value the following members for their continuance in serving the order, because we believe that only through perseverance can we defeat the enemy.
  For those that have fought in earlier battles or have been noteworthy through other means, they receive a bit more fanfare in the form of extra words dedicated to them.  
We honor the following members, for they examplify what we believe in. Today, we take a moment to thank them for their prolonged service. Let us rejoice in their diligence, because it makes them worthy of great respect.   We honor Grabrim Glask, who fought in both the fourteenth and fifteenth battle. Remember the name Grabrim Glask and honor his diligence.   We honor Stan Ashdust, who helped us greatly in our recruitment efforts and fought in the fifteenth battle. Remember the name of Stan Ashdust and honor his diligence.
  Not many people will be able to reach any of the other ranks. The select few that do will be asked to come to the front of the hall and receive a medal indicating their new rank. They will receive a personal speech held by the leader. The speech includes some anacdotes, but also their track-record to impress the other members. The leader will then personally hand over the medal to them, then tells him to turn around, as all the members within the hall salute at him.   The ceremony is concluded by a short speech from the king, emphasizing his gratitude and the endebtedness of the kingdom to these brave souls.

Footnote: A word about pronouns

This article was written with "him" pronouns. The Order of Perseverance basically replaced the king's army. This army was completely comprised of men and this trend is continued by the Order of Perseverance as the norm. This is a current-day contention, led by Princess Cecilia.