Satiir Fiend Myth in Humble | World Anvil

Satiir Fiend

The myth of the Satiir Fiend, also known as Black Satiir, is a warning to children of religious parents to always stay true to the Gods.  


As the teching goes, blessed are those who follow the path of the rightous, do their good deeds and work hard. Wicked are those who give in to lust and temptation, who indulge in sins of the flesh and feast their eyes on what is not theirs to see. Be weary, because those who are naughty and do not follow the wishes and teachings of their parents or their religious leaders are sure to befall a terrible fate. A ghoulish horned creature will visit upon you. Its human-like face might instill trust, but it is hiding many viscious sharp teeth. With legs of a goat, you will not be able to escape the heinous creature. It will whisk you away into their evil lairs and perform unspeakable acts. You will be a victim of your own deeds and will find no salvation. Surely, a brutal death awaits you and you will be cast into the abyss, forever doomed to regret and despair.  


Satyrs, almost a myth in their own right, have been known to wander the Material Realm. Their existence goes from one indulgent festivity to another, forever looking for new ways to satisfy their desires. This trait is the defining characteristic of how the race is known and the word "Satyr" has become synonymous with this indulgent behavior. The most common spelling is "Satiir", because of the Goddess of Joy, Lliira.   However, Satyrs aren't necessarily evil, so as time went on, the myth had to exaggerate about the evil intentions of these creatures. The visual presentation was updated by combining Satyrs with ghouls, with dark grey or black skin and big rows of viscious teeth. For the terminology, the word Fiend was added, to make it obvious these creatures were evil incarnate and were to be taken seriously.