Jasiirans Ethnicity in Huldath | World Anvil
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Jasiirans (Jazz-E-ran-s)

Jasiirans, natives of any race born on the Jasirad Plateau, have a rich culture that has developed in semi-isolation from the mainland of Huldath. Located southeast of the Forksensen Expanse, a noted and highly difficult sea passage, ships and captains that both know the waters, are willing to make the journey to and from the mainland and, perhaps most importantly of all are welcome on the island nation-state, are in short supply.   Rigorously self-sufficient, stoic, and as hard as the rock in which their home is made, Jasiirans are a proud, strong, and generally peaceable people.


Shared customary codes and values

When foreign visitors meet with Jasiirans, it is customary for them, provided they are welcome and in good standing, to be looked after by a family of a similar station as themselves. For example, merchants would stay with other tradespeople, artisans or merchants, Soldiers would likely be housed in barracks, and so on. dignitaries, emissaries, and the like however are always cared for by the Murisso Palantate regardless of perceived station.    Jasiirans seldom rise in rank, influence and power and the state of affairs that exists today has been that way for several generations at least.

Average technological level

As one of the first city or nation-states to harness quintessential energies for Air-Ship travel, Jasiirans have been at the fore-front of airship technology, particular in engine craft.

Funerary and Memorial customs

As space is limited and sea burials considered uncouth, funerary processions end at the Deep Eye. Partly as a necessity, but, partly as a now ingrained tradition, Jasiirans who mee their end naturally are cast into the deep eye by their loved ones. Partly this is to keep the creatures that lurk in its depths fed and away from the surface and living Jasiirans but this is not the spoken reason. The reason given is that they are "Returning to the earth which bore them here".

Common Taboos

Mark you well, young one, the things which you would say in front of these peoples. Ask no questions and leave the dealing to your seniors, they have little time for those who don't know their customs and less so would they devote to teaching you them.  Furnhen Baxter, in his book "Trade Customs of the Far-Lands"
It is taboo to ask a Jasiiran the following things. 1. How long they have lived on the island - Jasiirans are defensive over this as it is often tied to their station.  2. How Rich, or how vast their estate is - With limited land-mass, wealth is often measured intangibly or in social stature, asking this question will cause Jasiirans to think they have not shown their wealth or station correctly. 3. For discounts - Jasiiran's first prices in negotiations are their final prices. They do not barter, instead opting to make a set percentage on their goods. To many foreign merchants, this is a point of great chagrin. Instead, Merchants making deals will often downplay the value of the assets or services being traded, feigning humility.

Historical figures

Pervalla Muriso

Never did I see a woman who both intrigued and terrified me more.  Her eyes shone with passion, like gold from purest ore. Her blade was quick and her temper hot. She sailed her fleet to where the world forgot. Pervalla my queen for you I would die. I fear for this poem, you may make me try. Poem by Eutrecinez Marchal, the last of his completed works before execution
Pervalla Muriso was the first matriarch of the Muriso family that led their fleed of 11 ships through the Forkensen Expanse and settled Jasirad. Since its founding a Murisso woman has sat on the throne of rule.


Beauty Ideals

Jasiiran Men often wear silk shirts, open about neck and chest that have muted pastel coloring with dark baggy trousers. This allows ease of maneuver whilst wearing the clothes whilst maintaining some degree of fashion. They will adorn their hair, bodies, and faces with shells, foreign trinkets, and gold and silk scarf-like ribbons. Typically the lower the class the more decorated as it is seen as a means of wealth display or other affluence, including connections. During courtships, men will often give women any or many of the trinkets they adorn themselves with.    Women wear practical yet finely made clothing ranging from clothing similar to men's, save the open chest for modesty's sake, to elegant and flowing gowns. They too, to a lesser degree, adorn themselves with shells, trinkets and other things, though typically only within the hair.    Hairstyles are often long, flowing and to some may appear unkempt, however, the style is bourne of requirement due to the often strong winds which blow across the plateau.

Relationship Ideals

As Jasirad is a small place, relationships made here are often, if not always, for life. Raising a family and the next generation of Jasiirans, instilling the virtues of the Muriso Family, the current and historic ruling family, into its children from a young age.
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