Hextron Funnel Globe Item in HSA (Homeland State Authority) | World Anvil
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Hextron Funnel Globe

Mechanics & Inner Workings

It can take up to three years of training before an agent can be fully trusted to navigate the ship with the Hextron Funnel Globe by themselves, especially since they would most likely be navigating through intense cloud cover and electrical storms.  Being chosen to learn to use it is seen as the highest honored position on the main deck of the The HSS Lexington .  There is a whole team of people working on the top deck ship lab constantly working on scouting weather patterns and making physical maps in order to feed the best possible data into the Hextron.


The Hextron Funnel Globe  can do something the most sophisticated navigation can't - it can navigate through the massive thunderstorms that hide the Sanderstone Mountains  between views (the mountains are unpassable to everyone outside of the HSA - Homeland State Authority  because of this, and it allows them to hide for the protection of The BFA - Business First Authority .  It's a super secret, super protected part of the inner workings of the The HSS Lexington  and if anyone found out about it, especially in the BFA, HSA would lose its edge over the corporation.
Item type
Navigational Aid / Instrument
Once these objects were used to steer all deep seabound ships - they would use the round angle to calculate the distance to the horizon line, complete with an astrolabe to measure the distance to the sun, and a small middle distance telescope. Since they used to be made of gold and copper, almost all of them were melted down once there were more technologically superior methods of navigation. HSA found one of the few remaining buried in the wreckage of a chapel in an old holy town deep in the mountains, which was weird enough to begin with, as this former town was nowhere near the ocean, but the device, which was about twice as big as it historically should have been, seemed to call to the agents scouring the ruins for supplies.  These agents brought it back to the ship, convinced it had mythical godlike properties.  Another agent in the science lab who had a fondness for old technology figured it out, and how it would help them steer the ship.  They had it fussed with a Globe Crystal so that the Hextron not only is the main navigation system of the HSS Lexington but is its backup source of power.


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