Marianne's Mausoleum Building / Landmark in How to Live in a Fantasy World | World Anvil

Marianne's Mausoleum


  A beautiful mausoleum that is surrounded by a garden of blue roses that are always blooming. The presence of the mausoleum is not always obvious and it is well hidden from the prying eyes, typically the only sign of its presence are old metal gates wearing the crest of House of Acedia. The outside of the mausoleum is peaceful, however, things are different for taking entrance. The mausoleum itself appears very small on the outside, not bigger than a small pavilion. Its interior is however, at least twice as large.   Inside the mausoleum, the visitors are first greeted by the statue of Marianne Von Acedia. Those who are outsiders and do not share her bloodline, feel a sense of dread and nausea, if they attempt to step inside. The mausoleum is polluted by black mana, yet the presence of mana escapes the detection of even the most experienced sorcerers and wizards.   Behind Marianne's statue are spiral stairs that curve down underground, the stairs and the space underneath feels more like a dungeon than a grave. Those who reach the end of the stairs are faced by a large metal gate. The gates are closed for outsiders, while they are open for family members. Regardless, whether outside or not; entrance will lit braziers of flame within and the visitor friend or foe is faced by the first trial of Marianne.   A large shadowy knight tests the worth of all visitors.      


  The whereabouts of Marianne's Mausoleum are unknown. Many members of House of Acedia have found the mausoleum at some point during their lives. Yet none of the sightings corroborate each other . Over the centuries there have even been sightings of the mausoleum appearing hundreds of kilometers away from the Snowcrow Palace. Why or how it appears, is not known to anyone.   The most accurate location for the mausoleum would be to say that one would be most likely to find it near The Snowcrow Palace. And it is believed to be behind the disappearance of many family members and servants during the centuries. Many in House of Acedia believe that the mausoleum is haunted or that it simply does not exist. Its existence has not been officially recorded anywhere, and typically it is only found either by the elderly or children.   There are only a handful who have seen the mausoleum more than once during their lives. That however, does not prove that the final resting place of Marianne Von Acedia exists. The family believes that the mausoleum appears to people in their dreams rather than being an actual physical location. Still that is only a theory, no one from House of Acedia has attempted to uncover the secrets of the mausoleum for centuries. Those who did so in past, did nothing but waste time.
Alternative Names
Mausoleum of Blue Roses
Owning Organization


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