Kinesis Spell in Hoshi No Seiki | World Anvil
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Depending on the base element, you archive the full control of it (if its base kinesis, manipulation of the mind, levitation, mind reading, teleportation and all that jazz)

Side/Secondary Effects

Headaches depending on the use of kinesis, sometimes they are so severe that u get brain damage that can cause loss of kinesis powers


you usually cant see the aura of normal kinesis until its strong enough, element kinesis is visible though


perfect contol of chi, mind and aura


Discovered by Kurisu before they split into two different people
Related Organizations
Material Components
You practice with light objects first
Related School
There are kinesis schools in anti-orgas
Related Element
Depens on what the user wants to use
Effect Duration
as long as you dont get an headache, everythings fine
Effect Casting Time
depens on the person, usually takes one year to get some control of it though
depens on how skilled you already are
Applied Restriction
Loss or unable to use if you have: Brain Damage, heavy phycological illnesses -you cant manipulate someone with a srong will if you use basic kinesis -people with low IQ have it difficulter to learn it

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