Hogoku, or the Sanctuary, is a material plane containing pieces of other material planes that were destroyed or otherwise compromised.
Hogoku is split into two main areas: the Wilderness, everything below the clouds, and the Sky Ocean, everything above.
Central to the plane is the Tree of Life, a tree stretching above the clouds, that bridges the gap between the Wilderness and the Sky Ocean.
The Sky Ocean consists of floating islands made from pieces of other material planes that either rest on the branches of the Tree of Life or remain stationary in the air. It's possible to travel between most islands along the Tree of Life's branches and the various rivers and seas made of magically floating water.
The Wilderness is mostly untouched and unexplored by the inhabitants of the Sky Ocean, and thus, is dominated by nature. The roots of the Tree of Life span across the whole Wilderness, and along with the mountain ranges it often intertwines with, create large natural divisions.
Natural Resources
World Tree Fruit
While the floating islands of the Sky Ocean are mostly unchanged when brought to Hogoku from their original plane, world tree fruit are introduced to help maintain the original climate, weather, and various natural phenomena that the floating islands of the Sky Ocean had in their plane of origin, and most importantly, to keep the islands afloat. Usually, a world tree fruit is left in a remote, protected location of an island, but under some conditions, it grows into a tree that bears more fruit.
Dimensional plane
Included Locations
Author's Notes
Hogoku is named after the Japanese word for "sanctuary" (保護区). Another translation is "nature preserve." This article was made as a submission for a WorldAnvil Summer Camp 2018 prompt: "Write an introduction to the geography of your world. (Optional: share a map!)"