Aarchalia Character in Hijr | World Anvil


Born a pauper's child on the streets of The Spire, young Aarchalia (or as they were known at birth Aara Challiat) was an infamous criminal and forger of false documents. Author of the now famous "Aarchalia Ledger", they spent much of their youth forging papers and picking pockets to make ends meet.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Reported to a human man of average height and slim build, lean and wiry from an upbringing of poverty.

Identifying Characteristics

Average looking, no distinct physical features.

Specialized Equipment

  • Thieves' Tools
  • Forgery Kit
  • Disguise Kit

Personality Characteristics


Desired to become rich and politically powerful.
Desired to be well known, almost renowned, but also had a counterproductive desire to remain anonymous.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Expert forger, using skilled handwriting and recreation to generate realistic and convincing false documents.
Decent thief, stealthy and smart, but no master burglar.

Likes & Dislikes

  •  Anonymity
  •  Financial security
  •  Wealth and oppulence
  •  Political power

  •  Being the center of attention
  •  Being poor


Family Ties

Mother: Alia Challiat, Pauper, Seamstress and wood carrier. Deceased at 68 years.
Father: Aaren Challiat, Pauper, Firewood splitter and dung collector. Deceased at 61 years.
Brother, Eldest: Milo Challiat, Died in childhood, 7 years.
Brother, Older: Rann Challiat, Guard and levy soldier. Deceased at 52 years.
Sister, Younger: Rei Challiat, Merchant and Tailor. Deceased at 71 years.

No spouse or known offspring.

Wealth & Financial state

Born very poor, but supposedly died with a level of wealth and comfort.
Neutral Evil (Selfish, but not malicious)
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Fool of the Four Months War, The Disappearing Liar
199 CE 249 CE 50 years old
The Spire
Quotes & Catchphrases
"If I can't be happy, I may as well be wealthy"
Known Languages
Known to speak, read and write Common, Elvish and Dwarf.
Known to speak some Halfling and Gnomish, but could not write.
Supposedly knew Thieves' Cant, a secret coded language of rogues, bandits and pirates.


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