The Bleeding Tree Geographic Location in Hevel | World Anvil
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The Bleeding Tree

Written by MacT09

There are worlds and waves that exist where truth is as plain as day and as firm as the rocky foundations that hold them in place, but Hevel is nothing like these distant realms of experience. Whatever truth that Hevel once held or still holds has been hidden from itself and those that once called this realm home. From the few dying plants that are rarely spotted in Hevel's infrastructure, some have concluded that Hevel was not always what it is in this current level of experience. Such claims are interesting, yet simultaneously disturbing if proven true. If Hevel is corrupted from an original form then what was it like before it was changed? One must wonder if Hevel's original state is even comprehensible at its current point in time, for if Hevel cannot be understood now, then how can we understand its past? Would Hevel's original form make any more sense to anyone if it suddenly was revealed to them? Such questions and others are what help create the helpless insanity that now pollutes the entire realm of Hevel and all the inhabitants that pass through its veiled form. There are pockets of light that shine through the darkness, yet there is no one that understands where this light comes from or why it shines through the dark. Like Hevel itself this light is mysterious at best, and maddening at it's worst. This light is as disturbing as the dark, therefore who can discern its purpose in a place like this? Perhaps, in the end, we can never discover the meaning of Hevel, yet I wonder if the answer was never meant to be found at all? What if the answer to Hevel's existence is revealed instead? Most reject this presumption of thought, preferring the glory of mastering Hevel in all its mystery with their own efforts rather than the efforts of another showing them freely the boundless curiosities of Hevel's constructs and devices. This is where the greatest secret of Hevel resides, the secret of The Bleeding Tree.


There are many rumors that circulate about The Bleeding Tree within the many groups of explorers that periodically gather together for security and comfort within Hevel's looming machinery. Whispers of a moving tree surrounded by an endless expanse of flowers that are unrivaled in beauty flow like a strong wind that touches the hearts of all beings that find themselves in Hevel. Some say that The Bleeding Tree is potentially the only tree in all of Hevel, while others claim that such notions cannot be true due to the infinite size and scope of Hevel's infrastructure. Who can really say save for The Tree itself which is said to whisper secret truths of its true nature threw mysterious winds that seem to flow from The Bleeding Tree's very own branches. The structure of The Bleeding Tree seems to appear differently to each creature that gazes upon it, yet certain aspects of The Tree also appear to be noticed by every viewer simultaneously. Though the species of tree has been known to vary from a simple palm tree to a giant mustard tree, The Tree itself is always white in its appearance, with streaks of golden blood slowly sliding down the trunk of The Tree itself. Some viewers of The Bleeding Tree claim to see leaves made of pure light breaking off from The Tree's mighty branches to then be blown away to unknown locations never to be seen again. Even the name of The Bleeding Tree is hotly disputed among explorers and observers, for The Tree is perhaps even more mysterious than Hevel itself. Some say that The Bleeding Tree is a positive force in Hevel as The Tree sheds its divine light across Hevel's profound darkness, yet the majority of Hevel's gloomy population are at best skeptical of The Bleeding Tree's true purpose. Ultimately only The Tree itself can reveal it's true nature to Hevel, no matter how dearly Hevel's populace may wish to control it.

Fauna & Flora

Endless fields that extend to horizons unknown bask in The Bleeding Tree's presence as Flora of all shapes and sizes find their home at The Tree's base. Some see white roses with streaks of sanguine essence dripping down the pedals to the roots below. Others see sunflowers that shine with an almost blinding light. Still one may also see carnivorous plants like Venus Flytraps and other dangerous plants that are dipped in poison. What one see's depends on the heart that experiences it. Some will see ultimate good, while others will see something far more sinister. May the tree in time reveal its true nature to you as it plants new flowers throughout Hevel's gloomy underbelly. If you see one of these little flowers listen closely to its pedals, for it may share something with you that changes your perception of Hevel and yourself forever.


What can be said of the enigma that is The Bleeding Tree? Most don't even know its name, yet The Bleeding Tree's existence flows threw the winds of Hevels steam and clockwork as if something or someone was trying to share it with Hevel's broken wanderers. There are rumors that strangely persist of a single tree that resides somewhere in Hevel's iron foundations. This peculiar tree is never in the same place for long as it moves from one location to the next, calling out to Hevel's various denizens to approach it. Most beings dismiss this talking tree as nothing more than a figment of the madness that surrounds them, without ever really knowing the true depth of their own insanity. The world of Hevel is nonsense, so why would this tree be any different to them? Despite Hevel's darkness, The Tree persists in its invitations, not wanting anyone or anything to be left in the maddened state of this dying world. Where the light is brightest there The Bleeding Tree shall be found, weeping and pleading for all beings as the darkness grows ever denser across the metal wasteland that is Hevel.
Alternative Name(s)
The Tree
Dimensional, Pocket


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