Austerith Geographic Location in Heliodarna | World Anvil
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The Frozen Region to the north of Usila. Home to a small outpost of Marblites fleeing the persecution of Red Reborne. the frigid bit of land is connected to the mainland via a ice bridge to the mountains of northern Usila. The easiest way to reach Austerith is by the whaling ships run by the local Marblites. Most of the land is unexplored due to the deadly weather however there are reports of waring tribes of Wooly Loxodon and Vedalken.


With temperatures far sub zero, it is only the hardiness races that can survive here without support. The waters surrounding the island are freezing which form ice bergs and bridges between the islands. Tall Pine tree grow with deep roots coated in thick layers of ice which make cutting them down hard. The land is pot holed with meteorites and doted with crystalline rocks. The Frigid Fields are full of the remains ancient creatures and warriors from both tribes trapped in a frozen war.


  • Austerith
    A small frozen region, yet to be fully conquered. Home to a small Marbilite whaling settlement.
Alternative Name(s)
Ka Turest
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