Khorophlogos Pontos Geographic Location in Heliazomai | World Anvil
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Khorophlogos Pontos

Located to the west of the Makadelos, near the Lukhoran region, the vast Khorophlogos Sea sits, marking the end of the world. Its name, which means the Dancing Flame Sea, either comes from how the light from the setting sun reflects off the surface, or from Lukhoran Fire, a substance that could burn even on the water's surface which was used by the coastal Lukhorans on their naval vessels. The sea is known for becoming quite deep as you move further from the land, and there seems to be evidence of geothermal activity, including island volcanism.

Natural Resources

A number of valuable resources can be found in this sea, which are extracted by Makadelian and Sovranese industries alike, often times leading to conflict. Salt can be extracted from the seawater to be used in seasoning and food preservation, and great ships hunt for whales and fish, such as Sardines, Anchovies, Swordfish, and Shark. The most sought-after resource of the sea is its oil, however. While currently unable to extract the rich reserves that lie beneath the ocean floor, Makadelian Engineers have been working for a little under a decade to make it possible.


Little is known about the sapient history of the Khorophlogos Sea. While it's known that many coastal Lukhoran Kingdoms competed for naval supremacy, it was never a particularly strategic front between competitors. It's theorized that the naval legacy of Lukhora began as a result of attempted invasions from Sovrano as there is evidence that the Sovranese attempted to colonize Lukhora, but few holdouts managed to survive for very long. While the ocean floor is likely littered with Sovranese Shipwrecks, and some have already been discovered, few archaeologists have much interest in searching in this area, as a few burnt-out hulls are seemingly less interesting than the sunken cities of the Sovranese mainland.


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