Ephoros Rank/Title in Heliazomai | World Anvil
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Long ago, the deserts and plains of Lukhora were filled with many little kingdoms and republics which ruled over the lands. While the kingdoms of Lukhora were ruled by a Wanax, the republics were ruled over by the Ephoros, an elected official who acted as the executive of their nation. While elected leaders are often thought of as scholars or lovers of liberty, the Ephoroi were often just as bloodthirsty and tyrannical as any king or warlord. With the conquests of Basileus Sebastian, the Lukhoran republics are long gone, though the republican dream still lives on for some. Modern nationalist groups, such as the Sons of New Sideraima based in Anadephuros which has a republican inclination, are led by a figure given the title of Ephoros. While the title remains the same, the modern position is hardly democratic, and is usually more focused on upending the current status quo than any sort of governing. Regardless, it is a title of respect amongst most nationalist groups in the region, and signals a return to the old days of Lukhora.


Requirements vary from republic to republic but generally speaking an Ephoros must be a citizen of said republic and must be elected. Some republics also have age or education requirements, but these aren't universal.


Historical Ephoroi were elected within their republics, generally with votes being collected in the cities and certain large towns under their control. Generally, only citizens could vote in these elections, with proof of citizenship required to even come near the polls, leaving immigrants, the poor, and slaves without any say. The modern Ephoroi associated with illegal nationalist groups are generally unelected, though may come about as a result of general consensus within the group.
Scientific, Honorific
Now mostly ceremonial
Source of Authority
The citizenry
Length of Term
10 years


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