Timberley-Mamungkukumpurangkuntjunya Settlement in Heimland | World Anvil
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The settlement of Timberley-Mamungkukumpurangkuntjunya (or TM for short) was said to be a small colony located near the Tagaloa. Established by the Old Folk, this colony with its ridiculously long name soon became a valuable and prosperous land. Until it sunk.


92% Yippies.   7.5% Old Folk.   0.5% Unspecified.  

The Unspecified Creatures of TM

Apart from the Yippies and Folk, there were also documented accounts of unknown and unusual races endemic to TM. It is said that they vanished when the island sunk.   Batfolk: tiny humanoid bat-like beings that have developed alongside the native Timberlians since the beginning, and are almost like faeries in that they seem to be invisible to outsiders. You could live in TM all your life and not realize they existed. Although the signs are there; the only time you could be affirmed in the knowledge of them is through encountering them through specific means, often times by accident. For instance, Batfolk are known for their use as Swordbearers, a tradition that finds roots in mid-era TM. Swordbearers, in TM, are individuals who one hires to witness you and your life, and record it. The Swordbearer will write your daily deeds in a journal, and will live by you and your means.They will take it upon themselves to understand what it means to live as you. So if you are impoverished, they too will be. If you feast like a king, so too will they. And by law are exempt from harm as they are performing a sacred duty ordained by the Church. Harm upon them will be seen as the attempt on two people's lives: themselves, and their charge. As such, you will be punished accordingly. You could at times see Batfolk following Folk around as their Swordbearers. Other times, you could glance in their homes and see one or two sitting in a corner, waiting to do housework.   Puffballs: fluffy animals coveted by many for their gentle, adorable nature, astonishingly soft fur, and their profound sociability. Known for their gentle charms, materialism, vanity, and keen minds for mercantilism. They were common pets on TM, and were as smart as humans.   Caedeons: large monstrous folk hailing from the once-vast reaches of TM. Known for their ghastly appearance, terrifying religion, keen memory, and idolization of memory.From the depths of the world dwell beasts as rodents, roaming the vast caverns and tunnels both natural and artificial known as the Hollows. They are not just a species, but an identity taken upon many breeds. These creatures travel in gargantuan hordes, hunting others of their kind, the terrifying things that writhe and scuttle alongside them, and in general bring suffering upon themselves in wars and civil conflicts. In the Hollows, the struggle to survive is always a looming shadow in the darkness. The Caedeons may be a collective of breeds but so long as they continue to stress, there will be a perpetuate cycle of mutations that by nature can be as subtle as shift in the lengths of fur to the ability to breathe in the stagnant waters, even bioluminescence. The nature of them can vary widely, and has resulted in innumerable subspecies and co-evolutionary cousins. Whatever spurs on this is unknown, but most certainly does not feel natural. While the Hollows are all subterranean in nature, they are diverse in character and offer extensive sources to spur this evolutionary chaos. Though the Caedeons are largely self-sufficient in nature, in the recent millennium, a new horror from depths so fetid and malignant that even they struggle to survive emerged.   Fetid: so unnatural are they, borne of a darkness what is said to breathe. They come from the deepest reaches of the Thunderclap, an alien plane among an alien world, and bear powers so terrible. Some came to the Caedeons, and cracked upon them whips of malevolent thunder that charred their hides and surged within a manic energy. Others spewed from their maws caustic fires what eroded stone and iron, and saw that pestilence and illness beset them, and empowered them. And further, still, some came as shambling bones what tugged at the souls of the lesser beings and breathed new, foul unlife into the Burrowers' fallen. Whatever it was they wielded, the powers at their command fell upon all who dared approach the dark ones. Like shaman, Fetid came to counsel the Burrowers in all manner of things, from the better forging of weapons to the proper method to peel the skull from the living flesh of their kin. Some fell upon the Caedeons gospels of black gods and foul spirits. As time went on, the Fetid soon became integral to the sanctity and foundation of life, both leading them in their daily lives as doctors, pastors, and as warpriests and warlocks that fell upon their foes a wickedness none should know. But for as deep as their influence goes into the myriad beasts' lives, they themselves are but peons to things far greater than themselves.   Great-Horned-Ones: so unlike are they to both that their kind is often considered to be the black gods and foul spirits. Though each was as unique as fibers on a Burrower's hide, all shared one thing that set them apart: horns. And not just any ordinary sort. The Great-Horned-Ones, as their name suggests, boasted upon their bodies colossal horns of varying constitution and shape, some as rugged as bedrock, others rung and rusted as iron. They were leagues beyond the Fetid, and though wielded powers similar to them, commanded them in ways that suggest a depth of ability and understanding that few in this world may comprehend.   Sandspinners: giant cockroach-like beings, males are 8 meters long and 6 meters wide. Females are 26 meters long and 15 meters wide. The six-legged creature as opposed to the quadruped insect is the female of this species. Their abdomens are bisectional, and expand and break apart as the 144,000 embryos and eggs develop in them. The membrane keeps the body from tearing apart and its innards spilling out. The gaping mouth filled with needlelike fangs is the last thing you see as a male Sandspinner flies at you at seventy miles per hour.   There is also a legend of a mysterious best that dwelt in TM, a beast known as the Figurehead or the Ebony Queen. A traveler who is said to have gazed upon the creature is quoted as saying:
And as I stood amidst a vast waste of parched, fractured earth, barren of any life, I felt a terror flood upon me like the waters what dragged me to this badland. And it was to the skies I by chance glanced, and there in the midst of a great maelstrom of darkness and rain, hanged a beast unlike any other I have seen. Its head was likened to the skull of the venisilde of the Adorr Highlands, fractured into many parts, raw crimson films filling the void 'tween their pale borders. And from the back I saw four great horns erect and recurve upward like limbs. Its great maw parted, spires of coal that were its teeth gleaming in phlegm or ilk similar as a black tongue lulled out and touched the parched soils. Upon the tongue were seven nodes, at the base was the largest and to the tapering tip the smallest which split, revealing seven eyes of ill-worked eyes encrusted in sleep, pupils of a serpent glaring at me as the plates upon the forehead did like the maw. From where I stood did I hear a thunderous crack as its head broke, and the plates suddenly parted like hinged gates, revealing great and pulsating hardened flesh leaking yellowish phlegm and likened to a cyst. And it was then I was granted epiphanies upon epiphanies, and I knew what I looked upon: the Ebony Queen, the Lady of Apocrypha.
  It is unknown if this creature was an individual, or a part of a bigger species. When TM sunk, all of these unspecified races and creatures were never seen again.


The government-system was said to be a form of democratic republic, with the natives allowed to vote for a roster of candidates handpicked by the Folk.


The natives mainly used guerilla-warfare to combat rivals, but with the arrival of the Folk the use of guns became common. New stations were set up along the sandy beaches, and sniper-towers were erected in the major towns and Sanctuary Cities.

Industry & Trade

The colony traded coal and all forms of minerals and metals, as well as biofuel and synthetic oil for older models of Machines.


In the beginning, the natives lived in mud-huts and small natural caves. With the arrival of the folk, they started living in concrete and cement apartment-blocks with thick glass windows. New roads for vehicles were built, and beaches were turned into mines.


Coal, gold, semiprecious metals (copper, tin, iron and lead) and Moona.

Guilds and Factions

A few of the natives still followed Ierra, whilst most embraced Kristyanitty.   Most rival tribes eventually joined into larger factions and towns. Timbertooth and Barrowway were two such groups. Locals from both factions intermarried with each other and established smaller "families". There were about 15 main families, with 200+ smaller sub-families under them.


The Old Folk came to the island during the The Age-of-Heroes, after they had finished settling in the Heimland. The island was inhabited by Yippies who were divided into small tribal groups, at constant war with each other. The Folk gave them knowledge, tools, warm food and shelter. The natives in turn embraced the Folk as their new leaders. There was no bloodshed. At least, not in the beginning.   The natives' name for the land was "Lopado­temacho­selacho­galeo­kranio­leipsano­drim­hypo­trimmato­silphio­parao­melito­katakechy­meno­kichl­epi­kossypho­phatto­perister­alektryon­opte­kephallio­kigklo­peleio­lagoio­siraio­baphe­tragano­pterygon". As the Folk couldn't pronounce this name properly, they changed it to "Mamungkukumpurangkuntjunya" (meaning "Where the Demons come to urinate") and later "Timberley-Mamungkukumpurangkuntjunya" ("Timberley, where the demons come to urinate").   The native "Timberlians" advanced in science, technology and arts. Most of them became educated, and 80% of the island was literate in various languages. The island advance quickly, with the Folk building their various gadgets in the newly established "Sanctuary Cities" that were surrounded by the massive Walls, which the Timberlians considered infallible.   Coal-mines and trading-ports were built, with connections to the Tagaloa and the Harbor in Heimland. Moona was also harvested in large quantities, and the colony was thriving. This continued for a few centuries. The Old Folk started drilling for oils and coal, and established massive derricks and drillers across the colony.   During this time of progression, the Timberlias developed their own alphabet to write their native language. The Timberlian script was based off the Folk Script and had roughly 100 letters: “A” (a), “E” (eh), “Ѐ” (ey), “Œ” (ee), “ĒЄ” (eey), “ІѼ” (ie), “ЇЙ” (iee), “ЁО̆” (ae), “ӪЗ́Ҩ” (aey), “ΔK” (iy), “ӨО” (oh), “Æ̂У” (iy), “ѦЎ” (iey), “V” (u), “Ө́Ө̆Ц” (uu), “О́О̀Ч” (ooh), “ѬЏ” (ou), “А̀Ā” (aa), “ӐA” (ah), “А̄Ă” (ay), “А̊Ă” (aay), “А̃Ū” (ai), “ӒU” (au), “Ӓ̄Ѩ”(aw), “Ә” (e), “Ә́Δ (ea), “Ә̃О̂О̃” (eah), “ӚĪ” (eeh), “ӖӦ̄Ө̄” (ew), “Е̄Е̃Ё̄” (eaw), “Є̈О̄Ӧ” (iw), “ӴҚӃ” (eau), “ԐԐ̈Ԅ” (aeu), “ӠԆ” (aui), “ӢИ̃Ҋ” (aeui), “ҠҞҜ” (aoie), “Ы̆Ы̄” (aiew), “ӸҌ” (aiw), “Э̆Э̄Э̇” (aieyw), “Ю̈́Ю̄” (auiw), “Æ” (âh), “ѺѸ” (ǣh), “ꙌѾ” (oey), “ѢѤ” (oe), “ѲѴѶ” (oee), “Б” (b), “ГҐ” (g), “B” (v), “Д” (d), “ЂЃ” (ts), “ЖǶ” (zh), “Ѕ” (z), “И” (n), “ҸЍ” (mb), “J” (y), “З̌Л” (p), “Љ” (f), “M” (m), “H” (h), “Њ” (ng), “П” (r), “Ю̆Р” (ph), “C” (s/sh/ch/k), “ӤИ́С́” (j), “T” (t), “ЋЌ” (jh), “ФҖ” (bh), “X” (ks), “ШӞ” (uh), “ѪЩ” (uuh), “ЪЫ” (l), “ЬЭ” (dj), “ЮҘ” (gj), “Я” (r), “В̌Ң” (cz), “ҒЗ̱” (ys), “Г̧Г̑Г̄” (ym), “Г̣Г̌” (yg), “ҔӺҒ̌” (yn), “ӶҤԊ” (th), “ԀԂ” (ydh), “Д̆Д̣” (ydd), “Д̆Ю̈” (dh), “ӁӜ” (dgj), “ҀQ” (c), “ӅԒԈ” (kv), “ӍѠ” (cw) “ӉӇ” (njj), “ԤҦ” (pt), “Ƿ” (w), “Р̌Ҏ” (yt), “ҪС̣С̱” (ytth), “ԌТ̌” (yw), “Т̣ҬԎ” (yk), “ҺҺ̈Ҵ” (ns), “ҶК̣Ӌ” (nth), “ҼҾ” (sk), “Я̆Я̄Я̈” (tth), “ѮЗ̣Ѱ”(ps/sz), “ӲҮӮӰҮ́ҰУ̃Ӱ́” (the megafricative of impermanence, the unpronounceable vowel. Named as “Auoiyew” in the old texts, which means “Shield”) and “Х̣Х̱Х̮Х̑ҲӼӾ” (the megafricative of doom, the unpronounceable consonant used in royalty; generally following a name. It is named as “Szni” in the old texts, which means “Weapon”). The two megafricatives are old and special sounds with power in them. Their original pronunciations are lost to time, as the older scholars refused to say their sound out loud. With the 100-letter script, Timberlian literature advanced greatly and some manuscripts still survive in Heimland.   Some time later, during the Industrial Age of TM, many of the natives started to contract Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, an occupational lung disease caused by inhaling very fine ash, silica and volcanic sand-dust (marked by inflammation and scarring in the form of nodular lesions in the upper lobes of the lungs, causing internal bleeding and slow painful death). The pandemic was spreading quick, as most Timberlian men worked in the coal-mines.   The spread of the sickness and death of hundreds of Timberlians caused the formation of the Antidisestablishmentarianismists, a group of Timberlians that wanted the Folk to leave the island, thinking of the disease as a bad omen. The Antidisestablishmentarianismists gathered many followers, and soon a great revolt against the Folk was staged.   The Folk, sensing a war, tried to peacefully negotiate with the natives. But the Antidisestablishmentarianismists had poisoned the hearts of the people towards the Folk, and soon civil-war broke out. After 6 months, the Antidisestablishmentarianismists surrendered and the Folk agreed to leave the island within 2 weeks. Then it all went to hell.   It seemed the drillers and constant mining of the land had caused the island's molecular integrity to fail. The colony was sinking. The Folk tried to warn the Timberlians, but the Antidisestablishmentarianismists (who had by now seized full control of the island) thought this was simply a lie concocted by the Folk to deceive and subjugate the natives. The Folk's pleas fell on deaf ears. The Folk departed, and the island collapsed and sank within a month.   It is unknown what the last few moments of TM were like, although it is said that the Folk could hear cries coming from the island miles away as it slowly sank. Shouts of "the sea is rising!!!" and "save the children!!!" could be heard throughout the night. And the next day, when the Folk went to investigate, they found no more island. TM was gone, and so were its natives.


The island was famous for its massive aqueducts, made from pure sandstone and marble and 10 miles in length and width. The island was also famous for its massive Iron Walls, towering metal structures stretching 250 miles long and 60 miles wide. The Walls surrounded the three Sanctuary Cities, the main hub of trade and civilization on TM.


Sandy beaches, fertile valleys, mountain-ranges, swamps and misty lagoons were common on TM.

Natural Resources

Coal, minerals and precious metals.

597,949 DE

Alternative Name(s)
Honorificabilitudinitatibus, the Lost World, TM.
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under

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