Red-Plague/Roptahvlshegh’s-Illness Condition in Heimland | World Anvil
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Also known as Red-Eye, Roptahvlshegh's-Illness [named after a man known as "Roptahvlshegh", said to have existed in some other dimension] is a dangerous viral contagion that causes some rather unpleasant effects to those infected by it. Said to have been brought over to Heimland by the Old Folk from some other dimension in 2009 DE, this deadly sickness has plagued the races of Heimland for centuries. Those infected by the sickness are normally killed, with their bodies being burnt or dumped into a nearby acidic river, which will destroy the cadaver permanently. The sickness can be identified by the infected developing blood-red irises exactly two days after infection, hence the term "Red-Eye".   The common people are the most affected by Red-Eye, since it is hereditary.

Transmission & Vectors

The sickness spreads through the air, blood, sweat, wind, physical contact and through food. It also passes through livestock, plants and rivers and affects water at rapid rates.


The cause of the sickness is unknown, although it was most likely man-made. Some call this superflu a curse from the gods.


The virus manifests in multiple symptoms over a period of a few weeks after the infected develops red irises: first pustules grow all over the body, then a yellowing of the whites of the eyes, then an eroding of the vessel-walls of the circulatory-system causing internal bleeding, then severe dementia, then fatally degenerative cognitive-ability as a result of encephalopathic tumors, then purple blemishes that bleed on contact, then severe coughing fits, then choking due to the congealing of mucus in the lungs and nasal-passage, then swelling of the tongue, then development of greenish-purple rashes between the toes and nostrils, then an extreme photosensitivity and aversion to all UV-light, then hysterical blindness near mirrors, then an overdevelopment of front-teeth causing long rabbit-like fangs and finally loss of memory backwards at the rate of a day’s worth of memories per week.


So far, there have been no cures on Heimland capable of suppressing the sickness. The infected are burnt to prevent contamination.


The superflu is deadly, but for unknown reasons is non-lethal. Those with the sickness wouldn’t die from it, instead living the rest of their lives in pain and infecting those around them.


Those with the sickness normally go insane due to the unbearable pain of the illness, and will cause discord in their society until being put down by Peacekeepers.

Affected Groups

All ethnicities of Heimland, except machines and cyborgs.

Hosts & Carriers

All flora and fauna of Heimland are vulnerable to the sickness.


For prevention, areas with infection are quarantined by Peacekeepers. Fences are built around infected towns, and lakes with the infection are sealed-off from the other reservoirs.


The condition normally affects the young and healthy, such as children and youths, before spreading onto adults and elders.


The first recorded case was in 2009 DE, about 2009 years before the Old Folk vanished. The sickness continued even after the Folk disappeared.

Cultural Reception

People with the infection are immediately killed, but those that are spared are forced to wear thick cloth covering their eyes, noses, ears, mouths and every part of skin on their body. These clothed infected are referred to as "Ghosties" and must carry a bell around, which they will ring to alert non-infected of their presence. It is a painful existence, and most infected will prefer death instead.
Chronic, Acquired & Congenital

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Dec 26, 2018 07:32 by Dryant Feywright

I found this article to be really interesting. This is a VERY infectious disease as it is airborne, bodily fluid-transmitted and can contaminate food. The red irises is an interesting symptom as that is called the medical world as Iritus; a rather rare symptom. The jaundice of the scleras would be a frightening sight with the iritus, but I doubt that's even scratching the service. The internal bleeding could lead to dark bruises and the severe dementia may make the infected look almost zombie-like.   Blemishes also add to the gross factor. Accumulation of phlegm would also have be painful, as it's almost like the mucus is suffocating them from the inside. Overall, I love the detail into how far this virus goes. It looks like people could see the infected as monsters thus could be one of the reasons for the burning of infected bodies.

Dec 26, 2018 19:26 by Dejers Garth

Interesting article; the opening has a great point that can be translated into a tooltip!   Without the spaces: [ tooltip:named after a man known as "Roptahvlshegh", said to have existed in some other dimension]Roptahvlshegh's-Illness[/ tooltip]   If it is hereditary, what activates the sickness in youth/why aren't the immediately infected? Also, why isn't -everyone- infected? One would think with all of these transmission vectors and the long history of it's existence, that almost everyone would be infected and turned into carriers of some fashion.   Are there any people that are immune to it, or rumors of a cure to it? Seems like it could be a cool way to explore more of the disease!   Thanks for sharing!

Dec 27, 2018 01:14

The thing that people cannot understand is that the virus is a semi-living entity. It seeks out its own victims, selecting who it wants to infect and who it wants to spare. The "Ghosties" (infected) are the unlucky ones. The contagion has "chosen" them, and is planning on staying.   There is no "immunity" to the virus, but Ghosties have an immunity to other sicknesses once they have contacted Red-Eye. Rumors of a cure have always been around, but you can't expect them to be true as, to this day, no Ghosties have been cured.

Dec 27, 2018 01:28

Also, despite the fact that the virus is hereditary, it is rarely passed onto the next generation. This is mostly because Ghosties are unable to reproduce after they have been infected for a longer time.

Dec 26, 2018 20:08 by Tobias Linder

Sounds unpleasant, to say the least. I would recommend making a list in the symptoms-section, as it's a bit "run on" with "then and then and then" right now.   I'm curious why some people are spared? It sounds like a disease that should in no way be allowed to spread, and every infected be put to death and burned. Why are some spared?

Dec 27, 2018 01:24

The virus is deadly, but manageable. With proper hygiene and safety-regulations, most of the healthy population can avoid the disease altogether. This is why infection rates are not so rare, but are not so common either. The Ghosties are spared at first simply because it's not their fault. Most people don't choose to be infected, and they never ask for it. Blaming a person for being infected would be like blaming a child for being born. Some things are inevitable, unchangeable.   However, this does not mean that Ghosties are welcome. In a few regional towns, Ghosties are allowed to enter. But in the bigger cities, they are normally killed.   The bodies are burnt to stop the spread of infection, which is very high when an infected corpse starts to decay.