La caverna in Harn | World Anvil
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La caverna

Dalla tomba si va alla caverna su un pendio franoso, ripido ma accessibile.
STUMBLE ROLL CON +1 (poor light)

The passage rises along a series of step-like ledges.
At this point, a mass of debris is scattered around the base of a steep slope. Mixed with the rubble are human remains and various artifacts that may be identifiable as grave goods, such as broken pottery, a few weapons, and animal bones. While much of this is far beyond use, the GM can include one or more items of value or interest, if desired.
The odor of turpentine is stronger here, and the artifacts have clearly been deposited here after sliding down the slope.
Se si cerca bene fra i detriti alla base della frana, c'è un Amuleto della Negazione: una piccola pietra piatta di ossidiana nera liscia e lucida, attaccata a un laccio di cuoio da mettere al collo. Se indossato e invocato, diminuisce di 10 l'EML di effetti magici e psionici; 12 cariche.


Upstream of the entrance, a small (one foot) waterfall marks the point where the stream enters the cavern. PCs who stand near the opening may detect the odor of turpentine (pine resin), a curious smell to encounter within a cave. Following the stream requires transiting a cramped section of tunnel with only four feet of headroom. However, it soon opens up, offering explorers the option of either following the stream further (it will eventually become impassible), or climbing up onto a 4’ tall ledge. This area is home to an aquatic Ivashu (see The Baethyr, page 3), which will avoid a large group, but might try to pick off lone explorers.
Il prete di Larani arrivò fin qui, per essere mangiato dal Baethyr.
Il Baethyr striscia tra le macerie: se visto si rinasconde, altrimenti attacca il PG più isolato.


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