Moonborn Species in Harmony | World Anvil


This race replaces genasi in this setting.
The moonborn are cursed groups of humanoids with powers bound to the elemental planes. The wast majority of them inhabit the moons of Ies and Jiana.

The moonborn used to be minor elementals serving under powerful genies, but were transformed into humanoids by Shaded Seren after their participation in the Elemental Revolt Against the Seasons, and were subsequently banished to the moons. After countless generations over many millennia, the moonborn still suffer the consequences of the sins of their forefathers.


As there are four primal elements, the majority of moonborn are based off of one of these: The Fire and Earth moonborn, who were banished to Ies, and the Air and Water moonborn, who were banished to Jiana. Though interbreeding of these elementals in most cases results in the child having the same subrace as the mother, or in very rare cases - the father, extraordinary cases exists where the child becomes a combination of two elements, becoming a subrace of its own. These new subraces are called Ashen moonborn (earth + fire) and Frozen moonborn (air + water).

Moonborn are interbreedable with most humanoids, with the resulting offspring being a moonborn with the same elemental traits as their moonborn parent, and with physical traits from the other parent.


While mostly similar to humans in almost every way, one can differentiate the two by the moonborn's connection to their element. Though each individual vary greatly, there are certain tendencies.

An air moonborn is usually tall and slim, with pale skin that is cool to the touch. Their wavy hair comes in shades of light blues, greys, and white, and has a certain movement to it, like it is perpetually affected by a slight breeze.

The ashen moonborn are typically taller and lighter than their parents. Their hair and skin look ashen, but may sometimes appear to be smoldering, especially while present in strong winds.

An earth moonborn tends to be slightly shorter than the average human, with broad shoulders, well defined muscles, and larger hands and feet, similar to that of a dwarf. Their skin is colored with light earth tones of brown, green, or grey. Their hair is often curly, and comes in a color range of browns and black.

A fire moonborn is often the moonborn most obviously tied to their element. Their bronze-tanned skin may at times appear scorched, fiery red hair may at times actually be fire, and their intense eyes can on rare occasion actually emit light.

The frozen moonborn have sharp features, chiseled jaws, pointy joints, and long, tapered fingers. Their skin is commonly white or light blue, with eyes to match. They are normally bald, or have very short, platinum-colored hair.

A water moonborn has a lot of similarities to how a human would look like under water. Their skin tones can come in all shades of blue or green, and their wavy, dark hair moves above their head as if they are submerged. Their eyes are usually deep blue or even black as the deepest of oceans.


Though different moonborn live in different places, their societies are fundamentally similar, as they were all based around surviving the hellish landscapes of the moons. Being placed here along with monstrous forms of their former genie masters leads to a cycle of societal destruction, where the moonborn will always have to adapt to living in the ruins of former generations. The goal of most individuals is simply to leave the moons, regardless of their place in society.

Life on Ies

WIP. Be on the lookout for updates!

Life on Jiana

WIP. Be on the lookout for updates!

Articles under Moonborn

Cover image: by PrippyMontyPoppyCock


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