Greater Temple of Salakira Building / Landmark in Hamanshiron | World Anvil

Greater Temple of Salakira

The Greater Temple of Salakaria is not like the other Greater Temples in Valantaris in that it does not reside in the Temple district of the city but in the city Gardens, it is within the forested area of the city where one of every tree on Hamanshiron is planted.   It is the home of the Temple Church of Salakaria, many of the clergy have spent at least a few years within the walls of the Temple, learning the greater mysteries of their Goddess and church.

Purpose / Function

The temple is the headquarters of the Temple Church of Salakaria and is where the head of the Church, the Reverend Mother, resides, with her attendants, and the leadership of the Avengers of the Leaf, one of the Knighthoods of Salakaria, and the one that is most associated with doing the bidding of the Church, their history and that of the greater Temple Church is a historic and storied one, which can be found in other tombs.


The Temple seems to grow and change itself anytime there are changes needed to it. It seems by magic it grows levels and stairs from branches, creating it's own rooms by magic of the trees themselves.


The temple as would be expected of the Mother of Nature of Hamanshiron comprises of seven Hajod Redwoods intertwining to form a massive waterproof canopy. It rises as tall as the largest towers of the city, and it is said that the Redwoods shift and grow to the needs of the Temple church.   On the bottom floor is the great hall where the Reverend Mother takes services every day of the week, as the Mother of Nature is always working, along with the cells in which the priests and priestesses sleep, the sacristy, the kitchen and eating area, the church offices are all on the second floor, along with further cells for visiting clergy, on the third floor the Avengers of the Leaf are situated. The fourth floor is where the temple stores are held, on the next floor is the visitors cells for those who are not members of the clergy or Templars of the church, on the final floor is the Sanctuary and Sanctum.


The Temple was created even before the beginning of the city of Valantaris, by the hands of the strongest priests and priestesses of the church if Salakaria of the time, or so the tale goes, back in times of antiquity and legend, and the claim is that it has ever been the home of the church of Salakaria who was first the Mother of Nature of Valantaria, but the third goddess in charge of Nature and Limbo since the world's forming. It is said that the gardens and the city grew up around the Temple, and through wars, the rise and fall of Empires, Kings and Queens, it has always remained whole.
Cathedral / Great temple
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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