Nitormen Ethnicity in Hallowed Legacy | World Anvil


Average height is 6'6" to 6'9", the shortest being around 6' and the tallest ranging to 7'11" they are pale of skin, silver of hair, eyes can range from reflective silver, violet or pink. They are built large and strong, even the women are thick and tall. Despite their size, they are very graceful. They have developed a tolerance to poison and toxins due to their consumption of Corpse hands, and are also tolerant to the cold. Due to their consumption of the glowing mushrooms in the region, they have permanently glowing blood. They are xenophobic and do not suffer from sickness, nor are birth defects common.   However they can sometimes suffer from accelerated growth, learning to walk, talk and function at far younger stages but often have a shorter lifespan, or they may suffer from a berserker rage. These are not common but can occur due to a limited gene pool. They have almost no body hair, only that which grows on their heads. Tattoos are common and represent clan status, marital status, and personal symbols. They do not breed nearly as often as other humans and often only can have two children, three being a rarity seen as a blessing.  

Corpse Hands

These glowing mushrooms grow in abundance in the region. They are shaped like pale hands reaching out of the ground and glow blue at night. They come in a toxic variety that is deadly to anyone but Nitormen who have developed a tolerance to all toxins. Even some creatures in the area eat the mushrooms and have thus developed bioluminescent fur and skin.   Despite their high toxicity, corpse hands are a highly sought-after resource and are a primary export for the Nitormen. Alchemists pay handsomely for fresh and dried fungi for use in potions and poisons.  


The capital of Nitor is carved out of the entire summit of a mountain, the buildings formed from the stone with perfect artistic technique.  The buildings themselves are extremely ornate, like their pottery, and recalls the delicate and splendid forms of snow, and ice crystals.  There is rarely a surface of their buildings that is not intricately carved with some decorative detail or another.  There are many pillars, curving roofs, carved animal motifs, and slender spires atop delicate domes.   Their architecture is so beautiful and their craftsmen so skilled, that many kingdoms and cities will start bidding wars in an attempt to hire the limited number of Nitor masons.


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