Muck Lamprey Species in Gudde's Faerun | World Anvil
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Muck Lamprey

In the swampier parts of Presper's Grove, lampreys suddenly find themselves at the top of the food chain. They were transformed by the blight of the Hollow King from their normal size to gigantic beasts of carnage. Their appetite is voracious, and now few can escape their bite.

Basic Information


The muck lamprey has a muscular body, nearly 20 feet long and 4 feet wide. It is finless and scaleless, but the hide is quite thick and able to deflect most hunter's weapons. Its oral disc is a large, fang-lined orifice that can chew through the hardest of shells. Even plate armor can be crushed and swallowed.   Two sets of long, prehensile tentacles emerge from its snout. With these tentacles, the lamprey is able to capture prey and draw it into its mouth.

Ecology and Habitats

The lamprey's preferred environment is the swampy land with a fair amount of water and mud to slither through. It likes to hide within deeper pools to spring out and attack unsuspecting prey. It tends to burrow into the side of a hill to make its nest.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Grippli (frogkin humanoids) find the meat of the muck lamprey quite tasty, but most other humanoids would be sickened by it. It contains a substance that makes it indigestible to such.   The muck lamprey's skin produces a viscous, oily substance that contains healing properties. If coated on one's skin, the substance (which smells horribly, by the way) will help wounds heal faster. It will last for two hours before drying out and flaking off.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The muck lamprey has no eyes but it can sense its environment through vibrations it picks up through its skin. Its snout tentacles are also sensory. The lamprey uses them to explore its environment.
65 years
Average Weight
450 lbs.
Average Length
20 ft.
Geographic Distribution


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