The Overlook Settlement in Guardian | World Anvil
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The Overlook

The Overlook is settlement on and in a mountain in the middle of the Fyrnalian Mountains, situated on the edge of the contested zone. It is an old chimeric outpost that has been reclaimed for the use of the Many-Headed Council to keep an eye on the contested zone and the encroachment of the humanoids.   Whereas in the drider's home everything was about humanoid size, the Overlook and every building inside it is massive. You can see most of the Council's races wandering about: walking shields that are Mimics, towering Hydra, quick-footed displacer beasts, hulking basilisks, and the world is sized for them; it's even a little cramped for the hydra. The only places that aren't huge are places specifically made to cater to Mimics and displacer beasts, though they are used to navigating humongous worlds, especially the mimics. Displacer beasts zap onto counters, lightly teleport to get around faster, etc. Doors are not very common, and most things are made out of dull stone. This was originally a chimeric outpost that has been partially converted as a semi-permanent lookout/management hub by the Many-Headed Council. There are also some races not on the Many-Headed Council, of course, as many military units come through here, but they are not plentiful. The races on the Many-Headed Council are not the only monster races alive, of course, (ettercaps, dragons) but they are the most plentiful in the conquered lands. The beholders are almost extinct, as are the unicorns and pegasi and nothics. The rocs are extinct, as are the slaad. There has been too much death, and even those that haven't been fully wiped out are doomed to be the last of their kind anyway.
                    Upon approaching the Overlook, the group will be stopped by a group of monsters all decked out in armor: a pegasus, a displacer beast, a younger basilisk, and a chuul. The pegasus is one of under 50 pegasi left, a younger colt ready to do battle, the leader (Moondancer the displacer beast is older, second in command, a sly and smirking type (Senal Mirik of Mount Nemarr the basilisk has lost two of her four left legs but this has only made her more determined, though more careful (Gri the chuul is utterly silent, very serious, unmoving (Mshak). There are angry words exchanged, and then the driders will be abandoned, as Moondancer says they can handle this. Baeru and the others are perturbed but relent. Moondancer is very disturbed by the sight of your horses. He is bigger and stronger than them, but the resemblance otherwise is striking. He wants you not to ride on them at all and is a bit too fiery about it, to Senal's displeasure.       They are taken immediately to the Many-Headed Council's chamber and they are made to wait an hour while the Council argues about what to do until the party is admitted. They have a view of the city and may talk amongst themselves/Senal.                           End the session with the party talking to the Many-Headed Council.
Alternative Name(s)
Outpost / Base
Under a thousand; military pass through
Owning Organization

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