Sagon Ethnicity in Griot's Song | World Anvil
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The Sagon are a people from the southern plains of the continent of Djangru.They are said to be decendants of the Aral Empire who successfully fought off invasions of the Faeroahs.  
If the Sagon khongates would ever unify and turn their blades toward anywhere else in the world, I have no doubt that they would and could reestablish the old Aral Empire
Khong was a title used by the Sagon to refer to their Ruler-Warleader.   They were mainly known as traders and merchants, although there were stories that described the Sagon as being boomerang-chucking barbarians but very inept at the bow, possibly learned from their Aral predecessors. Recognizable features of the Sagon people include olive skin, eyes with epicanthic folds and jet black hair.


Major language groups and dialects

Before the coming of the Great Arals there were several different dialects but the Aral conquest sought to teach the people one language to unify them and make it easier to command them as a army. This Aral language are still spoken today in the Khongates of the Sagon and Ohud people.

Art & Architecture

The reverence of the Great Arals and Arallas the Father is seen in all of the art work of the Sagon. Arallas was often shown as having six arms to the Aral's four arms.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Husband Chase

One of the most unique traditions of the Sagon people is the Husband Chase. In this ritual a woman must sneak up on the man she wishes to be her husband, kidnapping him and bring her back to her father who must then approve of the man.

Horse Duels

Also common game played in the Sagon Khongates are horse duels. Outside of each settlement a small arena is set up. The two duelist will wear armor with four extra arms attached in a way that they each flare out from their body. Each competitor will then be tethered to a pole by a rope of gut-knot and twine. Each will then ride around their pole in a circle and attempt to cut the fake arms off their opponent or knocking him off his horse. It is not uncommon for a horse duel to end in death.

Coming of Age Rites

All members of the Sagon ethnicity are expected to pick up a weapons when called by their Khong. At a member's coming of age ritual, called the Ritual of Weapons, they pick a type of weapon, be it spear, sword, Aral Bow, or even the Khongate Tusk. Once the weapon is picked by the child, that is the only weapon the child will ever know.

Funerary and Memorial customs

The people of the Sagon ethnic group do not burry their dead, choosing to take their kin to the barrow hills, in the foothills of the Great Aral Range, to have a Uigan, or female shaman, set them in a funeral pyre.

Common Myths and Legends

While the Sagon believe in the Eight Aspected and the Four Knights of the Wind, they believe they are decendants of the the Great Arals and therefore an Aral is seen as a holy figure and Arallas, the father of all Arals, is seen as a holy figure.

Major organizations

  • Khongate of Tusk
  • Khongate of Truth
  • Khongate of Krool
  • The White Wing Khongate
  • The Red Wing Khongate
  • The Broken Khongate
  • The Hellfire Khongate
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