Jakaphet People Species in Griot's Song | World Anvil
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Jakaphet People

The Jakaphets stay to themselves and I, for one, believe that is a good thing. The dangerous thing is that they have access to all the items that the Faeroahs left behind in their pyramids. Any sitting emperor’s best bet is to amend the mistakes of their predecessors and gain them as an ally. If you ask me they pose the greatest threat to the Empire of Exum.
  The Jakaphets are a humanoid people that have the ability to change to a humanoid version of a hyena, called a "Jhibi," or to change completely into hyenas all together. No one knows, and even the songs say nothing about what causes the Jakaphets to change as they do. And those in The Lands of the Northern Pillar suspect that it is the Salt Storms that cause their change.  


The Songs don't specifically say where the Jakaphets come from, but bits and pieces of the songs imply that the race was created by the Orishas to combat the Faeroahs and Sphinxes, but there are plenty of rumors saying that they were in fact created by the Faeroahs. Due to this debate most Exumites and chose to stay away from them and leave them in their exiled lands.    They were known for their craftsmanship and helped to build the Pyramids and obelisks around the world. They were the creators of the infamous Witch-blessed weapons that were able to penetrate the skin of the Faeroahs and it is debated by the Griots that that was the reason the Faeroahs exodus.   After the Faeroahs disappeared, the Jakaphets and humans formed a pact and defeated the Sphinxes who attempted to move into power after the Faeroahs. The humans, led by Makonnen, the Unifier and his Four Pillars and jakaphets massacred the sphinxes, who weren't a war-like species, and sent them into exile.  

Exile out of Exum

Soon after the unification, XXX wed his son Kasaye to the daughter of a Jakaphet chief of the K’eyari Tribe. While on their sacred drive, Kasaye caught his wife trying to smother an old Makonnen. He sentenced her to the pulling of the carts of the train in like a beast of burden. She stated that she believed it a sin for the people to  worship the Unifier as they did, and they should praise and worship the Faeroahs who she believed made all. For this Makonnen planned to have her Walk the Storm, a punishment concocted by the chiefs of the Imperial Train, where the punished would walk into a Salt Storm and attempt to survive. Protesting the decision of the Imperial Train, her father and his tribe arrived and attempted to talk Makonnen out of this decision, to which the emperor turned a deaf ear. In protest, the Chief of the K’eyari stripped naked and walked into the storm followed by his daughter and the rest of the K’eyari. Other tribes exiled themselves to the chain of islands off of the main continent, that became known as the Howls.

Basic Information


Jakaphets are versatile in their anatomy, depending on the form they're taking. In their Jhibi form, they can be either bipedal or quadrupedal. In humanoid form, they can be identified by there excessive hair that covers their arms and even their face.

Growth Rate & Stages

Jakaphet people have regular humanoid growth rate. It has been found that when they get older they prefer to just take the form of the hyena permanently and live life free on the howls although some that chose to remain on the main continent, are known to roam the deserts and Savannah's of the Northern Pillar.
A Jakaphet can live up to be 60 years old but it is rare for them to live to that age.
Average Height
In their Jibi form they're average height is 7 to 8 feet tall.
Average Weight
230 to 320 lbs.

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Aug 5, 2018 13:50

"No one knows and even the songs contain nothing that cause the Jakaphets to change into the animals that they do."   I think I know what you mean there, but the sentence reads a bit strange to me and I had to stop and go through it a couple of times.   "The were the creators of the" = they were?   What do they look like in their human forms? What are their culture like? :)

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Aug 5, 2018 14:43 by Keontez George

Thank you. Fixed.

Aug 5, 2018 17:46

As an article titles I would suggest renaming it to "Jakaphet People" because peoples in general sounds weird and is not the correct plural of people because people itself is a plural so to say   in the first line of "history" you have a broken link (@first song)   all in all it is a neat small article. I would like to know some more about their overall relationship to other folks.

Aug 5, 2018 18:15

Seems a bit short, though possibly there's more in ethnic histories... but this article only leaves me with a vague impression. I like the vignette formatting, but that's probably because it's the same style I use. There's the aforementioned broken link (which needs a type). Among several questions, I find myself confused whether the entire species was exiled, or just two people? And what the story of the salt storm has to do with anything in the former case.

Aug 6, 2018 02:19 by Keontez George

Are you saying that this is more of an ethnicity than a species? The whole species wasn't exiled, just a tribe. The others decided to leave Exum on their own free will. I'll work to clarify that in the article.

Aug 6, 2018 14:55

Well, what I was saying is that additional details would probably be provided in individual ethnic group articles.   The bit about the stormwalk was indeed unclear, it said one person was condemned, another went with them, but nothing about the overall group.

Aug 5, 2018 18:37 by Tohshi Ydithe

You definitely need to fix the links in this but that is probably obvious. Just because it would be nice to follow some of these. I would like a bit more on the description of the Jibi form. Do they have spots? Do they have the hair ruff? Do they have tails? Are their hyena form different than actual Hyenas? What are their naming conventions or do they follow human or other conventions? Was that one tribe that walked into the sand storm the only tribe of them? Can they interbred with humans? Does it make a mule or not come past fetus stage? O even that? On that note what is their gestastion peirod like and can they shift into all forms while pregnant?   They are an interesting and unique race but I want to know more of them. It is a good start I would say. Keep up the good work.