Aster G'Breer Character in Griot's Song | World Anvil
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Aster G'Breer

Emperor Aster G'Breer Enegua-Eya

Aster G'Breer is the reigning Emperor of Exum, head of the Imperial Train, the Imperial Family and the chief of the Enegua-Eya Tribe.  

Appearance and Character

Aster is known for his hazel-eyes and long salt-and-pepper dreadlocks that mark him as member of the Road of Warriors. He is said to wear a gold bangle around his wrist for every warrior he's killed in battle, they jingle with every step he takes. He has dark almond shaped eyes and dark and ruddy skin of a Enegua-Eya Plainsmen. Even though he is Emperor, can still be found at the break of dawn out taking care of his cattle with other people from his tribe.
Aster G'Breer cover
art by Kieran Yanner
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Negast Negusa, King of Kings, Ruler of all South of the Salted Plains, The Blessed.
Year of Birth
210 AFP 337 Years old
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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